A mustache widget using the Q4 Stock api.Recent Version Updates:
1.0.18 - Fixed getIndices not pulling from private feeds in preview so we were unable to update indices only in preview
1.0.17 - Added usePreMarketVol
option which gives the option to use closing volume pre-market open.
1.0.16 - Removed usePublic and useJSONP
1.0.15 - Widget now defaults to use Xignite exchange values. Use useXignite: false if tickertech data is needed
1.0.15 - usePublic now defaults to true
1.0.15 - Added useJSONP for support outside the Q4 environment when using Public API
1.0.14 - Removed apiKey, no longer required for Public API
1.0.14 - Added studioApi option to use S&P Ownership data and calculate Market cap
1.0.14 - usePublic is now optional, widget will automatically use Private or Public API based off of view type and if it's needed.
1.0.14 - Fixed typos
1.0.14 - Added Support for 'NYSEAM' exchange to use 'XASE' automatically / Published MIC to Operating MIC for Studio API
1.0.14 - Added studioTicker for overriding stock ticker to get proper ownership data
- Script link
- q4.stockQuote.1.0.18.min.js
- Source file
- q4.stockQuote.js, line 2
- Requires
- studioApi
Use studioApi to get Shares Outstanding using S&P Ownership data and calculate market cap. Required to add the studioApi url as part of the client hostnames. Exchange uses MIC format.
- Example
- studioTicker
Override the ticker for Ownership API if there are multiple tickers and only one shares outstanding source or exchange and symbol passed in stock option isn't supported
- Example
- useJSONP boolean
When true, the API is changed to a JSONP format and can be called from an external source outside of a Q4 environment (ie. local machine, client's internal server)
- Default value
- items integer
The Number of items the API should return
- Default value
- stock Array.<string>
The Stock Exchange the corresponding `symbol` belongs to, in the following format: 'Exchange:Symbol'.
If a custom name should be used visibly on the site, list this after the value. This will load the data using the first string,
but allow you to control the appearance of the exchange/symbol text that is rendered using the second string.
If no value is provided for this array, the widget will attempt to use an entry from the indices lookup list. More info under `lookupIndex` option.
- Example
stock: ['NYSE:GDDY']
- Example
stock: ['NYSE:GDDY', 'CoolExchangeName:CoolSymbolName']
- lookupIndex integer
If no symbol or exchange are provided in the `stock` option, the widget will fall back to using the indices lookup list.
The `lookupIndex` option will allow you to target which lookup entry you wish to use for this widget, based on it's index number.
The default value is 1, meaning it will load the first lookup entry (ie. the one at the top of the list).
- Default value
- useMoment boolean
If time is required in the widget template, change this option to
. This will mean the widget uses Moment.js to format dates and times instead of datepicker. Note that this option will only work if the Moment.js library has been included on the page. If true, thedateFormat
option must be changed to use MomentJS date format naming rules.- Default value
- dateFormat stringObject
A date format string, which can be used in the template as
. Can alternately be an object of format strings, which can be accessed with{{date.key}}
(where key is the object key corresponding to the string you want to use). In a widget which requires a date and time you would want to enable theuseMoment
option and render the time as{{date.time}}
in the template.- If
is false (default value), dates are formatted using jQuery UI's datepicker rules. - If
is true, the date will be formatted using MomentJS rules.
Common Datepicker Format options:- d = day of month (no leading zero)
- dd = day of month (two digit)
- D = day name short
- DD = day name long
- m = month of year (no leading zero)
- mm = month of year (two digit)
- M = month name short
- MM = month name long
- y = year (two digit)
- yy = year (four digit)
- @ = Unix timestamp (milliseconds since 01/01/1970)
Common MomentJS Format options:- D = day of month (no leading zero)
- DD = day of month (two digit)
- ddd = day name short
- dddd = day name long
- M = month of year (no leading zero)
- MM = month of year (two digit)
- MMM = month name short
- MMMM = month name long
- YY = year (two digit)
- YYYY = year (four digit)
- x = Unix timestamp (milliseconds since 01/01/1970)
- h = hour (12hr, no leading zero)
- hh = hour (12hr, two digit)
- mm = minute (two digit)
- A = AM/PM
- a = am/pm
- Default value
MM d, yy
- Example
'MM d, yy' // datepicker format
- Example
{ date: 'MM D, YYYY', time: 'hh:mm a' }
- If
- useFullStockQuote boolean
Includes additional fields of data
- CompanyName
- DivAmount
- DivFrequency
- DivYield
- ExDivDate
- Exchange
- MarketCap
- PeRatio
- ShareOut
- ShareTraded
- Symbol
- TickerSymbol
- Default value
- useXignite boolean
Required for any client not under the Q4 Portfolio
- Default value
- changeCls array
Additional class added if the price is up or down
- Default value
- loadingMessage string
A message or HTML string to display while first loading the widget.
See also `itemLoadingMessage`.
- Default value
<p class="module_loader"><i class="q4-icon_spinner"></i><span class="sr-only">Loading ...</span></p>
- url string
Attach public API url if widget is used outside a Q4 Domain
- noDataTpl string
A message or HTML string to display if there is no stock data for current exchange/symbol.
- Default value
There are no results for current exchange/symbol
- stockTpl
Template used to render stock data as HTML
Default Stock Quote Template includes
- change
- high
- high52
- low
- low52
- open
- percChange
- previousClose
- tradeDate
- tradeTime
- tradePrice
- uod - {string} - Returns a class name with the word `up` or `down` (defined in `changeCls` option)
- uodSymbol - {string} - Returns '' if change price is a negative value otherwise returns '+'
- volume
Additional items can be added to the template when `useFullStockQuote` is set to true (it is true by default).
- companyName
- divAmount
- divFrequency
- divYield
- eps
- exDivDate
- exchange
- marketCap
- peRatio
- shareOut
- shareTraded
- symbol
- tickerSymbol
Example: ( '{{#.}}' + '<h4 class="module-stock_lookup-title">' + '<span class="module-stock_indice">{{exchange}}: {{symbol}}</span>' + '</h4>' + '<div class="module_container module_container--content grid--no-gutter grid--no-space">' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_price">Price</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_price">{{tradePrice}}</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_change">Change</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_change {{uod}}">' + '<span class="module-stock_indicator">{{uodSymbol}}</span>{{change}}</span>' + '</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + ' <span class="module-stock_volume">Volume</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_volume">{{volume}}</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_percent-change">% Change</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_percent-change {{uod}}">' + '<span class="module-stock_indicator">{{uodSymbol}}</span>{{percChange}}%' + '</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_high">Intraday High</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_high">{{high}}</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_week-high">52 Week High</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_week-high">{{high52}}</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_low">Intraday Low</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_low">{{low}}</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_week-low">52 Week Low</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_week-low">{{low52}}</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_open">Today\'s Open</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_open">{{open}}</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_label grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_previous-close">Previous Close</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_value grid_col grid_col--1-of-4 grid_col--md-1-of-2 grid_col--sm-1-of-2">' + '<span class="module-stock_previous-close">{{previousClose}}</span>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="module-stock_date">' + '<span class="module-stock_date-text">{{tradeDate}} {{tradeTime}}</span>' + '</div>' + '{{/.}}' )
- usePreMarketVol boolean
An option to use the closing volume pre-market open. Set to false if the widget should use the closing volume (historical) until the Trade Date updates to the current date.
- Default value
- beforeRender function
A callback that fires before the full widget is rendered.
- Parameters
- event Event
- The event object.
- stockData Object
- The complete template data.
- complete function
A callback that fires after the entire widget is rendered.
- Parameters
- event Event
- The event object.