Q4Widgets API Documentation


An interactive map using google's map API. Location and data populated through a fusionTable or google sheet. Version 1.2.3 or later uses Google Sheet Version 1.1.3 or earlier uses Fusion Table
Script link
Source file
q4.googleMap.js, line 2


This example uses multiple makers with fancybox as the popout google's info window is disabled

<div id='map' class='module-googlemap' style="height: 500px;"></div>
<div class="module-googlemap_legends-container">
   <ul class="module-googlemap_legends">
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data1" data-category="data1">Legend 1</li>
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data2" data-category="data2">Legend 2</li>
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data3" data-category="data3">Legend 3</li>
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data4" data-category="data4">Legend 4</li>
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data5" data-category="data5">Legend 5</li>
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data6" data-category="data6">Legend 6</li>
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data7" data-category="data7">Legend 7</li>
       <li class="module-googlemap_legend data8" data-category="data8">Legend 8</li>
<div class="map_fancy-popout-container"></div>

function initMap() {
       fusionTable: '', // sheeetID: '',
       apiKey: '',
       fusionColumns: function(i, col) {
           var cols = {
               'index': i,
               'markerCategory': col[0],
               'cat': col[1],
               'title': col[2],
               'address': col[3],
               'latlng': new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(col[4]), parseFloat(col[5])),
               'htmlContent': col[6]
           return cols;
       usePopout: true,
       fancyClass: 'fancyClass-map',
       popoutTemplateID: '#map-popout',
       popoutContainer: '.map_fancy-popout-container',
       popoutTemplate: (
           '<div id="map-popout{{index}}" class="map-popout_content">' +
              '<div class="module-googlemap_category-content {{markerCategory}}"' +
                  '{{{htmlContent}}}' +
              '</div>' +
       useInfoWindow: false,
       infoWindowHover: true,
       useMarkerCategories: true,
       markerCategories: {
           'default': '/files/js/property_map/purple.png',
           'data1': '/files/js/property_map/darkblue.png',
           'data2': '/files/js/property_map/royalblue.png',
           'data3': '/files/js/property_map/lightgreen.png',
           'data4': '/files/js/property_map/orange.png',
           'data5': '/files/js/property_map/green.png',
           'data6': '/files/js/property_map/redorange.png',
           'data7': '/files/js/property_map/gold.png',
           'data8': '/files/js/property_map/purple.png'
       mapOpts: {
           center: {
               lat: 0,
               lng: 0
           disableDefaultUI: true,
           scrollwheel: false,
           zoom: 6,
           minZoom: 0,
           maxZoom: 21,
           styles: []
       complete: function(e, g) {
           var map = g.map,
               markers = g.markers;

           $('.module-googlemap_legend').on('click', function() {
               var li = $(this),
                   category = li.data('category'),
                   bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();


               $.each(markers, function(i, marker) {
                   if (li.hasClass('js--selected')) {
                       if (category === marker.category) {
                       } else marker.setVisible(false);
                   } else {




               if (li.hasClass('js--selected')) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=APIKEYHERE&language=en&callback=initMap" async defer></script>


containerID string
An id selector for the google map container.
Default value
fusionTable string
A reference to the docid of the fusion table shouldn't be used with sheetID. DEPRECATED.
sheetID string
A reference to the docid of the google sheets
localData array
Local array of data that will be used instead of google sheets array.
Default value
Api Key for use with the fusion table, get from Google Dev Console
useInfoWindow boolean
If set to true the info window option will be opened when clicking or hovering over the markers
Default value
infoWindowHover boolean
If set to true the info window for each marker will be shown on hover. If false, info window will open on click.
Default value
useCluster boolean
If set to true the marker clusterer will be used. Requires markerclusterer.js plugin.
Default value
useMarkerWithLabel boolean
If set to true the map will use the markerwithlabel.js plugin to create markers. Requires markerwithlabel.js plugin.
Requires to use these keys 'markerLabel' and 'markerAnchor' within the fusionColumn schema.
Labels can be customized using its 'marker-label' class.
Default value
useMarkerWithLabel: true,
fusionColumns: function(i, col) {
    'markerLabel': col[0],
    'markerAnchor': col[1] // "0,0"
usePopout boolean
If set to true the content will be outside the google map block. Fusion table requires to have a "label" column as well as an "anchor" column.
Default value
useFancybox boolean
If set to true a fancybox will open when markers are clicked else the content will be visible without fancybox.
Default value
fancyClass string
A CSS class applied to the fancybox container when using popout.
Default value
showMarkerTitle boolean
If set to true the marker's title will be shown as a tooltip when hovering
Default value
useMarkerCategories boolean
If set to true, will use markerCategories instead of markerImagePath. Enable to specify different marker icons, fusionColumns must include a reference to a key (should be in lowercase) in the markerCategories option
Default value
markerCategories object
A JSON object to specify different marker categories and icon urls. Overrides markerImagePath. Object key should reference category name and Object value should reference file path. Requires to have a 'default' key in addition to the custom categories.
Default value
clusterImagePath string
A directory string where the cluster images reside. Files should start with m and use a number one through five to indicate cluster icon size (ex. m1.png, m2.png....)
Default value
markerImagePath string
A directory string for the default marker's icon. Only used when useMarkerCategories is set to false.
Default value
fusionColumns function
A callback that fires before the map is rendered. Maps the column names from the fusion table to be used in the template. Required keys: latlng. Required keys depending on selected options: index, title, markerCategory
popoutTemplateID string
A string to specify the id being used for each marker's popoutTemplate
Default value
popoutContainer string
A selector for the container of the popouts
Default value
popoutContent string
A selector for the content of the popouts
Default value
popoutTemplate string
A Mustache.js template for the each popouts. Tags are used from the fusionColumns. ID should match the popoutTemplateID followed by the {{index}} tag.
infoWindowTemplate string
A Mustache.js template for each marker info window. Tags are used from the fusionColumns
mapOpts object
A set of Google map options. Zoom and Center is required to create a map
Default value
complete function
A callback that is fired after the map is rendered. Give's access to the map object and marker array.
e Event
The event object.
data Object
The data object to access both the map and marker ie. data.map & data.markers