Q4Widgets API Documentation

q4.accordion 1.0.1
Creates an expanding and collapsing accordion from sections of content.

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q4.addToCalendar 1.0.4
Small plugin used for adding events to different calendar types

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q4.api 1.13.6
This page contains all of the global options which apply to each of our Q4 Content Widgets (see link list below). These widgets are powered by our private and public CMS content API's and rendered using mustache.js through the selected template option.

Each widget will have options which are unique to that type of content, and are described in more detail with examples on their individual documentation pages (linked below).

Latest Version Update: 1.13.4
- Updated sec functionality.
- Added option to filter by filing type (filingTypes).
- Renamed previous filingTypes array to filingGroups.
- Updated Documentation.
- Fix beforeRenderItems data structure

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q4.apiMashup 1.12.11
Widget for aggregating multiple types of Q4 private API data.

Latest Version Update: 1.12.11
- added regFilings contentType (S&P only)

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q4.asReported 4.0.0
The As Reported widget displays financial data exactly as reported by the company. Document types include: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.
API used: Studio Public API documentation

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q4.asReportedCharting 4.0.0
The As Reported Charting widget is used to display data elements related to the As Reported Documents and charting their change over periods

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q4.asReportedChartingIndex 4.0.0
The As Reported Charting widget is used to display data elements related to the As Reported Documents and charting their change over periods

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q4.asReportedIndex 4.0.0
The As Reported Index widget displays financial data exactly as reported by the company and is templated for Index sites. Document types include: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.
API used: Studio Public API documentation

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q4.bannerizer 1.0.0
Appends a banner image to the corresponding page with multiple configurations to fit client requirements. Download Title - Needs to match the Page Title Download Description - Requires HTML Thumbnail - The banner image

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q4.blog 1.0.7

The Q4 Blog widget uses content from Press Releases and allows the user to easily filter content based on various options.

Blog Widget Features:

  • Instant Search - Search terms found in the press release title or body will be returned (nearly) instantly - no page reload needed! Search results will only show content from the specified press release category. The search will also return partial matches.
  • Keywords - Also known as blog tags, the keywords feature is used for content tagging and 'buzzwords'. Typically, there are multiple keywords per blog post and new keywords are used very frequently. Keywords are added in the CMS as tags in each press release.
  • Categories - Similiar to keywords, categories are added in the CMS as tags in each press release. The categories feature is mainly used for overall blog organization. Unlike keywords, category tags should only be used once per blog post. Categories should be defined using the global categories array option so that the widget knows which press release tags are keywords and which are categories. Tags that are identified as categories will not appear in the keyword filter. An additional option unique to the categories feature is the "showAllCategories" option. When set to true, the widget will render all categories that are defined in the global categories option array - even if there are no press releases using that category. If set to false, the widget will only render categories that both exist as a press release tag and are listed in the global categories array option.
  • Archive - Archiving is a traditional blog structure. Using the archive feature will generate a list of Months (per year) which contain blog posts. For example, "January, 2017" or "March - 2017". Selecting one of these date periods will reload the widget to show blog posts from the selected month/year.
  • Years - The years feature will generate a list of years which contain blog posts, these can be selected to filter the content based on that year.
  • Pagination - The pagination feature will allow you to use pagination on first load. This option should be used in conjunction with the global option "items" to define how many items should be shown on a single page. Note that pagination is hidden after using any filtering (ex. search, keywords, categories, archive or years).

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q4.briefcase 1.0.5

The investor briefcase widget works similar to a shopping cart. The briefcase is a 'shopping cart' for various PDF files across a site.

Important Notes:

  1. Currently only PDF files are supported for the briefcase.
  2. This widget requires a MODERN BROWSER, and the download functionality does not work correctly on mobile (current solution is hiding the download container on mobile screen sizes).
  3. This widget uses browser session storage to collect files, any items in the briefcase (aka shopping cart) will be removed upon closing the tab or window, and will not exist in new tab/windows.
  4. The briefcase.js script is required on all pages that the briefcase icon is desired, as well as the briefcase page (aka checkout page).
  5. The JSZip, JSZip-Utils and FileSaver script are only required on the briefcase page (aka checkout page), as they are used to generate the ZIP file.



  1. A class should be added to the container element of all modules/widgets which require the briefcase icon. For example, the class could be called 'add-to-briefcase' and be listed in the module properties 'CSS Class' field.
  2. Additional data attributes must be added to the module/widget container that is referenced via class through the 'contentClass' option.
    data-briefcase-title should reference the class of the title container for that content item (used for the name of the file in the briefcase)
    data-briefcase-subtitle (optional) should reference the class of a unique descriptor for that content item (used alongside title for the name of the file in the briefcase)
    data-briefcase-name should reference the type of content that items in that container should be categorized as (used for grouping and folder structure).


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q4.calculator 1.5.2
Calculates the growth of an investment in a company's stock over a set time period.
Latest Version update 1.5.2:
- updated default template for better accessibility
- updated default options
Version update 1.5.1:
- Date input improvement, reset datepicker to appropriate date when calculating
Version update 1.5.0:
- Added option for datepicker accessibility
- Added loading announcement (accessibility)
Version update 1.4.9:
- Updated from Highstock 4.2.7 to Highstock 8.2.0
Version update 1.4.8:
- Fix chart error #15.
- Added date frequency feature.
Version update 1.4.7:
- Fix chart rendering for both Popup and Info templates.
- Added setStock method.
- Added new array data in tplData
- Added percent values option

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q4.calendar 1.3.6

Latest Version Update: 1.3.6 Added scope="col" to "module-event-calendar_day module-event-calendar_day--name *

Latest Version Update: 1.3.4
- icons used now have aria-hidden
- applied consistent templates to be used through all themes
- daysOfTheWeek is now an array of objects to support both short and full day of the week
- removed event body from default template, can be added when needed 

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q4.captcha 1.1.5
Overwrites the default Mailing List Signup validation.

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q4.chart 1.4.6
A preconfigured stock chart, using the Highstock plugin.

Recent Version Updates:
1.4.3 - Add datepickers, pagination, date sorting and options to the data table. Improve tab order. Improve keyboard controls for datepickers and scrollbar navigation. Improve legend toggling functionality by adjusting the extremes and datepicker when necessary.
1.4.2 - accessible data table button controlled by accessibleDataTable option. HOTFIX: Chart inputs now untabbable when data table is open. HOTFIX: multiple tables and buttons can now be created for multiple charts on one page
1.4.1 - chart container, range input and datepicker button now have aria-hidden and tabindex -1.
1.4.0 - Addition of accessible datepicker option 'accessibleDatepicker: true'
1.3.13 - Updated from Highstock 4.2.7 to Highstock 8.2.0

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q4.committee 1.2.7
Creates a responsive Committee Composition tables based of the Person List API.

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q4.cookieMonster 1.0.0
Cookie Monster - Q4 Cookie Management Tool
This tool was created for Q4 Sites to be more compliant with GDPR and ePR
This tool enables more control on how third-party plugins are added to the site and gives users the ability to opt-in or out from plugins
that sets cookies to track possibly personally indentifiable information.

Latest Version Update: 1.0.0
- updated optional cookie toggle to be accessible

Version Update: 0.1.8
- added disclaimer tpl and preferences tpl as options
- more control with how the template is added using container and insert function options

Version Update: 0.1.7
- widget content is appended instead of prepended
- fix button classes that were not working from options

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q4.depositLoan 4.0.0
The Deposit Loan widget is used to display the deposit loan composition data for a company.

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q4.depositLoanIndex 4.0.0
The Deposit Loan Index widget is used to display the deposit loan composition data for a company. Templated for Index sites.

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q4.dividends 1.3.3
Add a dividends table to your website

Recent Version Updates:
1.3.3 - Dividends chart fixed so that it no longer ignores data from beforeRender

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q4.doctracking 1.0.3
Small plugin used for document tracking w/ Google Analytics

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q4.documentLibrary 1.0.1
A library of download list documents.
Tagging Architecture
library tag - A unique tag used to add documents to the library. This can be set by updating the libraryTag option.
filter tag - tags to be used by a filter. These tags contain an underscore which separates the tagSelector from tag value. The tagSelector should be used to configure the filter in the filters option.
(ex: type_report, location_canada, location-region_toronto)
If the tagSelector contains a "-" then it will override the filter whose tagSelector is set to the text before the "-". For example for location-region_toronto, location-region filters will override location filters.
field tag - all other tags that aren't considered a filter tag or the library tag. Use "-" to signify a space between words.
(ex: corporate-governance, annual-report)

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q4.downloadLibrary 1.0.0
A basic Download Library with full control over the data / event handlers / templates. There is currently no plan to support mashed content, all years or pagination. Can likely use q4.pager if required. Go away now

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q4.downloads 1.13.6
This widget fetches and displays downloads (also known as "Content Assets") from the Q4 API's.

Below is an example of a download list widget.
- It uses the template option as there is no need for a year/item separation or filter in this example.
- Since it is a past events widget, showFuture is set to false.
- The template will loop through each year, and each item inside that year and render the values of the variabels within.

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q4.dst 1.0.0
A simple widget for changing the time zone strings of either modules or widgets.

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q4.eiStockChart 1.0.9
A preconfigured stock chart, using the Highstock plugin and Euro Investor data.

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q4.eiStockQuote 1.1.5
Stock Quote using Euro Data

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q4.emailValidation 1.1.1
Deprecated Overwrites the default Mailing List Signup validation. This plugin has been replaced by q4.captcha This version is used for a quick implementation and should be ignored for all future sites q4.captcha is include as part of core.js

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q4.euronews 1.0.5
A News widget which allows you to retrive data by client Exchange & Symbol.

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q4.events 1.13.6
Fetches and displays events from the Q4 API's.
Below is an example of a past events widget.
- It uses date and time, which requires the useMoment option to be true and the Moment.js library to be referenced on the page.
- Since it is a past events widget, showFuture is set to false.
- Events can pull in "related" content from the following API's: Presentations, Press Releases and Financial Reports. Template variables for related content are inherited from their respective widget. For example, one can use press releases shortBody variable in the events widget template for related press releases.
- Based on the template configuration, the widget will only show related files such as presentations or webcasts if they exist for that event.

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q4.financialStatements 1.0.3
Institutional Data from Zacks. For the Institutions widget, the option "showNegatives" will toggle how negative numbers appear. When true, negative numbers will be rendered with a minus symbol. When false, negative numbers will be rendered inside parenthesis.

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q4.financialTable 1.2.3
A table of different types of financial documents sorted by year. Each year can have links to documents for each quarter.

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q4.financials 1.13.6
Fetches and displays financial reports from the Q4 private API.

Below is an example of a quarterly financials accordion widget.
- It uses date and time, which requires the yearSelect and yearTemplate to render a dropdown list of years.
- The year list will reload the itemTemplate when the selection is changed, and will then only show items from the selected year.
- This widget uses the itemsComplete to call the Q4 App plugin to create an accordion out of the content, each time the widget items are loaded.
- This widget should be loaded in an embed module within Q4 Footer to ensure it's script loads after q4App on the live site, otherwise it may cause an error.

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q4.flickrGallery 1.0.2
Fetches and displays photo albums from a user on Flickr.

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q4.formbuilder 1.1.9
A more flexible solution to Formbuilder 2 Please note that this uses HTML 5 validation which doesn't play to nice with our full page form. Once this is removed this should hopefully become a more viable solution, but for the time being a few hacks are required to other modules which often appear on the same pages as formbuilder Module Search - Should still function as expected but has a additional click handler in place Mailing List Signup - No good way to get this work, the submit button will bring you to the default signup page note: `emailAlertsPage` will need to be modified for this

Latest Version Updates:
1.1.8 - Added emailConfirmOpts option and custom validation functionality to handle an Email Confirmation input field.

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q4.googleMap 1.2.4
An interactive map using google's map API. Location and data populated through a fusionTable or google sheet. Version 1.2.3 or later uses Google Sheet Version 1.1.3 or earlier uses Fusion Table

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q4.highlights 4.0.0
Financial Highlights is a feature from S&P The data in this widget is extracted directly from the company’s documents. S&P makes every effort to line up fields, captions and headers that represent the same data over time, despite variations in how the company may report these items in different documents.

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q4.highlightsCharting 4.0.0
The Financial Highlights Charting widget is used to display data elements related to the Financial Highlights Documents and charting their change over periods

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q4.highlightsChartingIndex 4.0.0
The Financial Highlights Charting widget is used to display data elements related to the Financial Highlights templates and charts their change over periods

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q4.highlightsIndex 4.0.0
Financial Highlights is a feature from S&P The data in this widget is extracted directly from the company’s documents. S&P makes every effort to line up fields, captions and headers that represent the same data over time, despite variations in how the company may report these items in different documents. Templated for Index Sites.

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q4.historical 2.2.5
Retrieves price and volume information for a stock on a specific date.

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q4.historicalChart 1.0.4
Fetches and displays stock date using HighStock

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q4.historicalLookup 1.0.4
Fetches and displays Historical Stock data

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q4.historicalRange 2.2.3
Retrieves price and volume information for a stock quote historical range.

Recent Version Updates:
2.2.3 - Added "findPriorPrice" and "maxPriorDays" options to allow looking through previous dates before returning "no data" message
2.2.2 - Added beforeRender before checking if data is empty

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q4.indexCommittee 1.0.3
Creates an interactive Committee Composition tables based off of the Person List API. This widget targets S&P Migration Clients.

Recent Version Updates:
1.0.3 - Allow sorting with multiple keys

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q4.indexDividends 1.0.5
Add a dividends table to your website

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q4.insiderOwnership 4.0.0
The Insider Ownership widget is used to display data elements related to insider ownership & funds

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q4.insiderOwnershipIndex 4.0.0
The Insider Ownership Index widget is used to display data elements related to insider ownership & funds. Templated for Index Sites.

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q4.institutionalOwnership 4.0.0
The Ownership widget is used to display data elements related to institutions & funds

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q4.institutionalOwnershipIndex 4.0.0
The Ownership Index widget is used to display data elements related to institutions & funds. Templated for index sites.

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q4.intradayChart 1.0.4
Fetches and displays stock date using HighStock

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q4.library 1.0.1
A collection of many different document types in the same widget. Documents can be filtered by title, tag, or date.

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q4.lookupList 1.0.1
Get lookup items from Lookup List and render as needed.

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q4.mashfeed 1.6.2
Grab a number of content feeds and mix them together into a single chronological list.

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q4.multiMap 1.0.0
An interactive map with multiple datasets, that you can toggle between.

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q4.nav 1.0.0
The Nav widget acts as a service and controller of the navigation, as a service it generates the HTML for the desktop/mobile navigation, as a controller it handles the keyboard events to open/close/toggle child menu and move the focus of the current menu item

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q4.news 1.13.6
Fetches and displays press releases from the Q4 private API.

Below is an example of a news widget with tag filtering.
- It uses the yearSelect and yearTemplate to render a dropdown list of years.
- This widget uses the tagSelect option to allow the user to filter the news releases based on tags.
- Changing the tag with the dropdown will reset the year to the default, as the year list will reload to hide any years without that tag.

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q4.ownership 1.0.5
The Ownership widget is used to display data elements related to institutions & funds *

Latest Version Update: 1.0.4
- Remove apiUrl and replace with studioApi
- Reformat date reported as per API changes

Latest Version Update: 1.0.3
- Fixed pagination display being hardcoded
- Added first page record option (firstRecordSelector)
- Added last page record option (lastRecordSelector)
- Fix pagination display not resetting when tab or dropdown is clicked
- Fix next button not disabled when there's only one page

Latest Version Update: 1.0.2
- Updated Documentation
- Added option to modify table headers.
- Removed default apiUrl pointing to Dev
- Removed ticker default
- Fixed typos
- Added appropriate console errors when API call fails
- Added new callback function beforeShowTable

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q4.pager 1.2.7
A navigator for any kind of paginated content.

Latest Version update 1.2.7:
- updated aria labels - removed 'Go To'
- on selecting new page, focus moves to top of new content
Version update 1.2.6:
- added hidden div to announce page change
- added option for active and disabled class
- updated classes for elements for more consistency and BEM style
- added icons instead of svg for first/prev/next/last buttons
- added aria-disababled for elemenets that are disabled
- updated dots markup
Version update 1.2.5:
- js--hidden class is now removed after items are reloaded if number of pages is greater than 1
- items are now hidden using js--hidden class and aria-hidden attribute
Version update 1.2.4:
- Accessibility updates. Selector should be a NAV (see example). Added aria-labels and buttons for keyboard accessible users

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q4.peerAnalysis 4.0.0
The Peer Analysis widget is used to display the peer median and peer average for a company. Peer List is created in the CMS (Site > Peer List).

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q4.peerAnalysisIndex 4.0.0
The Peer Analysis Index widget is used to display the peer median and peer average for a company. Peer List is created in the CMS (Site > Peer List). This widget is templated for Index Sites.

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q4.person 1.0.9
Creates a list of people for a specific department. Pulls data from the Person List API.

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q4.presentations 1.13.6
Fetches and displays presentations from the Q4 API's.

Below is an example of a presentation widget.
- It uses the yearTrigger and yearTemplate to render a tab-style list of years.
- The year list will reload the itemTemplate when the user clicks one of the year tabs, and the widget will then only show items from the chosen year.

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q4.q4datepicker 1.0.0
updates the standard jQueryUI datepicker to include date range functionality and features that make it accessible. inspiration: https://dequeuniversity.com/library/aria/date-picker

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q4.quote 1.0.4
Fetches and displays Stock Quote data

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q4.regFilings 4.0.0
A Widget for displaying Non-Edgar Regulatory filings, templated for Organic sites.

Key Features:

The features below are available within the widget in order to fully utilize the API's features / make it easier for out-the-box use.

Institution ID
Can be provided via institutionIdinstead of the ticker in order to make a requests to the API.

Can be turned on by providing a number greater than 0 for itemsPerPage.

Add a data-sortBy attribute to the element that should trigger the sort on click. The value of the attribute should be the data field you wish to sort by (see API doc). At the moment due to API constraints, the widget can only sort by dates.

Filters can be built out using the filters option. Filters include years, document type and companies. At the moment due to API constraints, company filtering is not avaiable but is expected to be added in an upcoming Product update.

Download Toggle
A trigger can be set up to reveal the documents when an element is clicked, using the downloadsContainer, downloadsTrigger, downloadsContent and downloadsToggleCls options.


Non-EDGAR Regulatory Filings Confluence page
Studio Public API documentation

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q4.regFilingsDetail 4.0.0
Widget displaying the detail for a Non-EDGAR Regulatory filing. It expects that the URL contains both a RegFilingId and Institution parameter.


Non-EDGAR Regulatory Filings Confluence page
Studio Public API documentation

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q4.regFilingsDetailIndex 4.0.0
Widget displaying the detail for a Non-EDGAR Regulatory filing. It expects that the URL contains both a RegFilingId and Institution parameter.


Non-EDGAR Regulatory Filings Confluence page
Studio Public API documentation

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q4.regFilingsIndex 4.0.0
A Widget for displaying Non-Edgar Regulatory filings, templated for Index sites.

Key Features:

The features below are available within the widget in order to fully utilize the API's features / make it easier for out-the-box use.

Institution ID
Can be provided via institutionIdinstead of the ticker in order to make a requests to the API.

Can be turned on by providing a number greater than 0 for itemsPerPage.

Add a data-sortBy attribute to the element that should trigger the sort on click. The value of the attribute should be the data field you wish to sort by (see API doc). At the moment due to API constraints, the widget can only sort by dates.

Filters can be built out using the filters option. Filters include years, document type and companies. At the moment due to API constraints, company filtering is not avaiable but is expected to be added in an upcoming Product update.

Download Toggle
A trigger can be set up to reveal the documents when an element is clicked, using the downloadsContainer, downloadsTrigger, downloadsContent and downloadsToggleCls options.


Non-EDGAR Regulatory Filings Confluence page
Studio Public API documentation

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q4.rssfeed 1.1.0
Fetch, format and display a single RSS feed. Note that you can also do this with the q4.mashfeed widget; this one is just simpler.

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q4.searchResults 5.21.0

Latest Version Update: 5.21.0 * Q4 Search Widget implementation.

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q4.sec 1.13.6
Fetches and displays SEC filings from the Q4 private API.

Latest Version Update: 1.13.4
- Updated sec functionality.
- Added option to filter by filing type (filingTypes).
- Renamed previous filingTypes array to filingGroups.
- Updated Documentation.

Below is an example of an SEC widget with form type filtering.
- It uses the yearSelect and yearTemplate to render a dropdown list of years.
- This widget uses the beforeRenderItems callback to allow the user to redefine custom docTypes based on the filing docType. This is used to simplify icon styling.
- This widget also uses the complete callback to trigger additional widget filtering options.
- One can set a widget option, such as filtering by filingGroups, by defining the new option when the user changes the dropdown.
- After setting new options, calling the reloadItems method will reload the content inside itemContainer based on the new widget options.

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q4.secfilings 1.0.1
Simple SEC Filing Widgets for Public Sites.

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q4.sheets 2.0.3

The Q4 Sheets widget utilizes Google Sheet's API to pull table data into Q4 Websites.

Q4 Sheets Widget Features:

  • Instant Update - No need to go into the CMS for any quick updates within the table body. Will only need access to the source sheet.
  • Preview Mode - Ability to make updates on Google Sheet and only view it for the preview site.
  • Total Class - Automatically add total class for rows with a word Total.
  • Data row - Ability to differentiate header rows and table data.
  • Responsive - Create a separate template specifically for mobile views.

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q4.slideshare 1.0.1

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q4.slideshow 1.1.6
A custom slideshow presentation made with pdf.js. The presentations are pulled from our api.

Note for websites released before March 2017: download the required .zip file and upload the extracted files in the /files/js/pdf-js/ directory of the CMS.

viewer.html must be uploaded under /files/js/pdf-js in the CMS
(Use the Save Link As... option)

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q4.status 1.0.0
A small heathcheck tool for QA

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q4.stockOverview 1.1.3
The Stock Overview widget is used to display data elements related to:
Volume Highlights
Financial Data
Price History
Price Ratios
Price Change

Default templates are currently built for Index Project sites.

Recent Version Updates:
1.1.3 - Add option useCloseForPriceHistory to allow swapping from using all values or only close values for historical prices
1.1.2 - Add option disclaimerFancyboxOpts to pass options to disclaimer fancybox
1.1.1 - Added isREIT option to use Stock Page View endpoint for Financial Data, Price Ratios, and Dividends. Added financialDataRowsREIT, priceRatioRowsREIT, and highlightsTemplates option.
1.1.0 - Added useReitDividendYield option to get dividend yield from Financial Highlights API, fix get current period for companies that are using fiscal year
1.0.9 - Renamed payoutRatioEps option to payoutRatioValue and added skipCalc. Added SemiAnnual frequency to dividend yeild calculation.
1.0.8 - Added copyright disclaimer
1.0.7 - Added flexibility to show or hide N/A

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q4.stockQuote 1.0.18
A mustache widget using the Q4 Stock api.

Recent Version Updates:
1.0.18 - Fixed getIndices not pulling from private feeds in preview so we were unable to update indices only in preview
1.0.17 - Added usePreMarketVol option which gives the option to use closing volume pre-market open.
1.0.16 - Removed usePublic and useJSONP
1.0.15 - Widget now defaults to use Xignite exchange values. Use useXignite: false if tickertech data is needed
1.0.15 - usePublic now defaults to true
1.0.15 - Added useJSONP for support outside the Q4 environment when using Public API
1.0.14 - Removed apiKey, no longer required for Public API
1.0.14 - Added studioApi option to use S&P Ownership data and calculate Market cap
1.0.14 - usePublic is now optional, widget will automatically use Private or Public API based off of view type and if it's needed.
1.0.14 - Fixed typos
1.0.14 - Added Support for 'NYSEAM' exchange to use 'XASE' automatically / Published MIC to Operating MIC for Studio API
1.0.14 - Added studioTicker for overriding stock ticker to get proper ownership data

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q4.stocks 1.0.4
Base widget for accessing the new Q4 Stocks API

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q4.studioApi 4.0.0
This page contains all of the global options which apply to each of our Studio API widgets (see link list below). Each widget will have options which are unique to that type of content, and are described in more detail with examples on their individual documentation pages (linked below).

Recent Version Updates:
4.0.0 - Financial Highlights Charting Widget: Accessibility updates, changes to default html and functions
3.0.0 - Financial Highlights Widget: Accessibility updates, changes to default html and functions
2.0.0 - Institutional Ownership Widget: Accessibility updates, changes to default html and functions, dataTables for responsiveness
1.0.10 - Financial Highlights Widget: Update how data is mapped to make the period / date available to the table body template, and update the aria-live region to announce loading status to screenreaders.
1.0.9 - Error in build and deploy process required a bump in version number
1.0.8 - Updated Financial Highlights Widget to use new period selector format
1.0.7 - Added Financial Highlights Charting Widget (Organic and Index). [HOTFIX] changed tabbing and pagination behaviour for Institutional Ownership
1.0.6 - Added As Reported Charting widgets (Organic and Index). Added Company filtering and Organic Templates for Regulatory Filings widgets.
1.0.5 - Added Regulatory Filings (standalone table & details) widgets (Index Only)
1.0.5 - Added Financial Highlights widgets (Organic and Index)
1.0.4 - Added As Reported (table) widgets (Organic and Index)
1.0.3 - Added copyright disclaimer

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q4.timeline 1.0.3
A carousel of events on a timeline, with groups and navigation.

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q4.treemenu 1.0.1
An expanding tree-style table of contents for a set of content.

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q4.ttChart 1.3.2
A Highcharts replacement for Ticker Tech style 5-year stock charts.

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