The Deposit Loan widget is used to display the deposit loan composition data for a company.- Script link
- q4.studioApi.4.0.0.min.js
- Source file
- q4.studioApi.js, line 4089
This widget extends the q4.studioApi widget. It has all the options and methods of the parent widget, in addition to those below. See the parent widget's documentation for details.
Child widgets have all the options and methods of this widget, but may add their own as well. See the child widget's documentation for additional options or methods. This widget has the following child widgets:
<script type="text/javascript">
studioApi: "",
ticker: [""]
- templateId number
The data template used. At the time of writting, 06/19/2020, there is only one template available.
- Default value
- defaultTemplate string
Default template for out of the box use.
- Default value
<div class="deposit-loan_table-container"></div>
- tableSelector string
A selector which references where the
should be rendered.- Default value
- tableTpl string
Template to be used for the deposit loan composition table.
Variables available to the template:{{periods}}
- an array of the periods each period has alabel
'<table class="deposit-loan_table table table--responsive">'+ '<thead>'+ '<tr>'+ '<th class="deposit-loan_heading--period-end">'+ '<div>Period End</div>'+ '</th>'+ '{{#periods}}'+ '<th>'+ '<div class="deposit-loan_fiscal-year">{{label}}</div>'+ '<div class="deposit-loan_period-end-date">{{periodEndDate}}</div>'+ '</th>'+ '{{/periods}}'+ '</tr>'+ '</thead>'+ '<tbody>'+ '{{#subtemplates}}'+ '<tr class="deposit-loan_title-row">'+ '<td colspan="7">{{title}} {{#magnitude}}({{magnitude}}){{/magnitude}}</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '{{#items}}'+ '<tr>'+ '<td class="deposit-loan_name">'+ '<a href="javascript:;" rel="showDefinitionLink" data-definition="{{definition}}">{{name}} {{#magnitude}}({{magnitude}}){{/magnitude}}</a>'+ '</td>'+ '{{#values}}'+ '<td class="deposit-loan_value{{#isNegative}} deposit-loan_value--negative{{/isNegative}}" data-label="{{label}}" data-periodenddate="{{periodEndDate}}">'+ '{{value}}'+ '</td>'+ '{{/values}}'+ '</tr>'+ '{{/items}}'+ '{{/subtemplates}}'+ '</tbody>'+ '<table/>'