Q4Widgets API Documentation


Fetches and displays presentations from the Q4 API's.

Below is an example of a presentation widget.
- It uses the yearTrigger and yearTemplate to render a tab-style list of years.
- The year list will reload the itemTemplate when the user clicks one of the year tabs, and the widget will then only show items from the chosen year.

Script link
Source file
q4.api.js, line 2048

This widget extends the q4.api widget. It has all the options and methods of the parent widget, in addition to those below. See the parent widget's documentation for details.


<div class="presentation-widget">
  <div class="module_options module-presentations_year-list" tabindex="0" role="tab"></div>
  <div class="module_container module_container--content"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    dateFormat: 'M dd yy',
    yearContainer: '.module-presentations_year-list',
    yearTemplate: '<a href="#{{value}}" data-year="{{value}}">{{year}}</a>',
    yearTrigger: '.module-presentations_year-list a',
    itemContainer: '.module_container--content',
    itemTemplate: ( 
      '<div class="module_item">' +
        '<div class="module_title">{{title}}</div>' +
        '<div class="module_date">{{date}}</div>' +
        '<a href="{{docUrl}}" target="_blank" class="module_link q4-icon--{{docType}}"> {{docType}}</a>' +


showFuture boolean
Toggle whether to fetch presentations dated in the future.
Default value
showPast boolean
Toggle whether to fetch presentations dated in the past.
Default value
template string
  • All the notes documented in the q4.api parent widget are applicable here.
  • This widget supports template, itemTemplate and yearTemplate options.
  • Note that this widget does not utilize a {{#docs}} array as there can only be 1 document per presentation item.
  • Presentation 'speakers' are not currently supported by the API at this time.
The template or itemTemplate may contain the following mustache variables:
  • {{title}} - The title of the presentation.
  • {{url}} - The fiscal year of the presentation.
  • {{date}} - The date object of the presentation.
  • {{body}} - The body text of the presentation item.
  • {{thumb}} - The presentation thumbnail URL
  • {{docUrl}} - The URL of the presentation file.
  • {{docType}} - The file type for the presentation file (ex. PDF).
  • {{docSize}} - The file size.
  • {{audioUrl}} - The URL of the audio presentation file.
  • {{audioSize}} - The size of the audio presentation file.
  • {{audioType}} - The file type of the audio presentation file.
  • {{videoUrl}} - The URL of the video presentation file.
  • {{videoSize}} - The size of the video presentation file.
  • {{videoType}} - The file type of the video presentation file.
  • {{relatedUrl}} - The URL of the file related to the presentation.
  • {{relatedSize}} - The size of the file related to the presentation.
  • {{relatedType}} - The file type of the file related to the presentation.
  • {{#tags}} - An array of tags for this presentation item.
    • {{.}} - Tag word