Q4Widgets API Documentation


A custom slideshow presentation made with pdf.js. The presentations are pulled from our api.

Note for websites released before March 2017: download the required .zip file and upload the extracted files in the /files/js/pdf-js/ directory of the CMS.

viewer.html must be uploaded under /files/js/pdf-js in the CMS
(Use the Save Link As... option)
Script link
Source file
q4.slideshow.js, line 2


    aspectRatio: [4,3],
    tpl: (
        '<div class="module-slideshow_viewer">' +
            '<div class="module-slideshow_ratio">' +
                '<iframe style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%;" src=\'/files/js/pdf-js/viewer.html?file={{url}}#zoom=page-fit\' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe>' +
            '</div>' +


url string
The base URL to use for API calls. By default, calls go to the current domain, so this option is usually unnecessary.
Relative level can be change if the index.html is not uploaded to the default location (/files/js/pdf-js) Default value '../../'
Default value
tags array.<string>
an array of tags used to filter presentation results
Default value
['featured', 'latest']
aspectRatio array
an array of integers used to define an aspect ratio for the iframe window
Default value
[16, 9]
A number representing which language to pull data from. By default it auto detects language.
slideShowContainer string
Iframe container to which the padding is applied depending on the aspect ratio.
Default value
dateFormat stringObject
A date format string, which can be used in the template as `{{date}}`. Can alternately be an object of format strings, which can be accessed with `{{date.key}}` (where key is the object key corresponding to the string you want to use). By default, dates are formatted using jQuery UI's datepicker.
Default value
MM d, yy
'MM d, yy'
    full: 'MM d, yy',
    short: 'mm/dd/y',
    month: 'MM',
    day: 'd'
tpl string
Template used to generate the presentation iframe and a link to the presentation file.
linkTpl: (
'<div class="module-slideshow_viewer">' +
    '<div class="module-slideshow_ratio">' +
        '<iframe src=\'/files/js/pdf-js/viewer.html?file={{url}}#zoom=page-fit\' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen title={{title}}></iframe>' +
    '</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="module-slideshow_link-container">' +
    '<a class="module-slideshow_link" href="{{url}}" target="_blank"><i class="q4-icon_pdf"></i> Download PDF <span class="sr-only">(opens in new window)</span></a>' +
The following mustache variables are available: 
{{title}} - The title of the presentation
{{date}} - The date of the presentation
{{body}} - The body of the presentation
{{tags}} - An array of tags given to the presentation
{{url}} - A link to the presentation document
{{relativeUrl}} - A link to the presentation document relative to the viewer.html document
{{thumb}} - A link to the thumbnail image
{{size}} - The size of the presentation document
{{type}} - The type of file for the presentation document
loadingClass string
A CSS class to add to the widget while data is loading. This can be used to show and hide elements within the widget.
loadingMessage string
A message or HTML string to display while first loading the widget.
itemNotFoundMessage string
A message or HTML string to display in the container if no items are found.
Default value
<p><i class="q4-icon_warning-line"></i> There is no presentation available.</p>
complete function
A callback fired once the widget has finished running