Widget displaying the detail for a Non-EDGAR Regulatory filing. It expects that the URL contains both a RegFilingId and Institution parameter.Resources:
Non-EDGAR Regulatory Filings Confluence pageStudio Public API documentation
- Script link
- q4.studioApi.3.0.0.min.js
- Source file
- q4.studioApi.js, line 8120
This widget extends the q4.studioApi widget. It has all the options and methods of the parent widget, in addition to those below. See the parent widget's documentation for details.
<div id="regFilingsDetails"></div>
studioApi: ""
- template string
The template used to render the data.
*'<h3 class="regFilings-details_title"><span class="sr-only">Form </span><span>{{filingTypeMnemonic}}</span></h3>'+ '<div class="module_container module_container--content">'+ '<div class="regFilings-details_date module_date-time">'+ '<span class="module_date-text">{{filingDate}}</span>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="regFilings-details_description">'+ '<span class="regFilings-details_description-text">{{filingDescription}}</span>'+ '</div>'+ '{{#hasAbstract}}'+ '<div class="regFilings-details_description">'+ '<strong>Abstract: </strong>{{filingAbstract}}'+ '</div>'+ '{{/hasAbstract}}'+ '<div class="regFilings-details_download list--reset">'+ '<ul class="regFilings-details_download-list module_q4-icon-links">'+ '<li class="regFilings-details_download-list-item module-regFilings_pdf">'+ '<a href="" class="module_link module_link-regFilings" target="_blank">'+ '<span class="q4icons_icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>'+ '<span class="sr-only">PDF Format Download (opens in new window)</span>'+ '</a>'+ '</li>'+ '</ul>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'
- docTypes object
A mapping which is used to replace the value of a document's
.- Default value
{ 'CONVPDF': 'PDF' }