Q4Widgets API Documentation


A more flexible solution to Formbuilder 2 Please note that this uses HTML 5 validation which doesn't play to nice with our full page form. Once this is removed this should hopefully become a more viable solution, but for the time being a few hacks are required to other modules which often appear on the same pages as formbuilder Module Search - Should still function as expected but has a additional click handler in place Mailing List Signup - No good way to get this work, the submit button will bring you to the default signup page note: `emailAlertsPage` will need to be modified for this

Latest Version Updates:
1.1.8 - Added emailConfirmOpts option and custom validation functionality to handle an Email Confirmation input field.

Script link
Source file
q4.formbuilder.js, line 2


emailAlertsPage string
The URL for email alerts page.
Default value
emailNameString stringArray
Label text for email fields. This is required so that email fields are validated correctly.
Default value
Email Address
"Email Address" or ["Email Address","Some other email Address"]
emailConfirmOpts Object
Options used for Email Confirmation validation which include:
  • emailInputName (string): The name (also used as the label) of the email address input field.
  • emailConfirmInputName (string): The name (also used as the label) of the email confirmation input field.
  • errorMsg (string): The error message displayed when the fields do not match.
Default value
{"emailInputName":"","emailConfirmInputName":"","errorMsg":"Value must match Email field"}
   emailInputName: "Email Address", 
   emailConfirmInputName: "Email Confirmation", 
   errorMsg: "Value must match Email field"
introText string
A message or HTML string to display as intro text. Defaults to empty string.
introSelector string
A CSS selector for introduction text element.
Default value
beforeRender function
A callback that fires before the widget is rendered.
formData object
An array of form data.
onComplete function
A callback that fires after the entire widget is rendered.
onSubmit function
A callback that fires after the form is submitted and the error messages (if necessary) are rendered.