Q4Widgets API Documentation


The Q4 Blog widget uses content from Press Releases and allows the user to easily filter content based on various options.

Blog Widget Features:

  • Instant Search - Search terms found in the press release title or body will be returned (nearly) instantly - no page reload needed! Search results will only show content from the specified press release category. The search will also return partial matches.
  • Keywords - Also known as blog tags, the keywords feature is used for content tagging and 'buzzwords'. Typically, there are multiple keywords per blog post and new keywords are used very frequently. Keywords are added in the CMS as tags in each press release.
  • Categories - Similiar to keywords, categories are added in the CMS as tags in each press release. The categories feature is mainly used for overall blog organization. Unlike keywords, category tags should only be used once per blog post. Categories should be defined using the global categories array option so that the widget knows which press release tags are keywords and which are categories. Tags that are identified as categories will not appear in the keyword filter. An additional option unique to the categories feature is the "showAllCategories" option. When set to true, the widget will render all categories that are defined in the global categories option array - even if there are no press releases using that category. If set to false, the widget will only render categories that both exist as a press release tag and are listed in the global categories array option.
  • Archive - Archiving is a traditional blog structure. Using the archive feature will generate a list of Months (per year) which contain blog posts. For example, "January, 2017" or "March - 2017". Selecting one of these date periods will reload the widget to show blog posts from the selected month/year.
  • Years - The years feature will generate a list of years which contain blog posts, these can be selected to filter the content based on that year.
  • Pagination - The pagination feature will allow you to use pagination on first load. This option should be used in conjunction with the global option "items" to define how many items should be shown on a single page. Note that pagination is hidden after using any filtering (ex. search, keywords, categories, archive or years).
Script link
Source file
q4.blog.js, line 2


url string
The feed URL for the site. No setup is needed, simply use the client's q4web domain name after /news/.
pressReleaseCategoryName string
The user-friendly name of the custom press release category containing the blog posts.
Default value
pressReleaseCategoryName: 'Blog'
tag Array.<string>
A list of tags to filter by. Use this option to load the blog with a preset tag filter.
Default value
categories Array.<string>
A list of predefined blog categories. Categories will not render in the category filter list unless they are defined here. Each category tag listed should match the format of how it is saved in the CMS.
Default value
categories: ['category-1', 'Category-2', 'category_3']
featuredTag string
A tag used for another purpose outside of the blog widget, for example a list of featured blog posts in a slider on another page. The word used in this option will not be visible in the categories/keywords filters or within the main template.
featuredTag: 'homepage'
params Object

An object containing the parameters for our Press Release API.

Common options are:

Default value
pressReleaseSelection number
Values are 0 = Future, 1 = Past, 2 = DateRange, 3 = ALL
pressReleaseBodyType number
Values are 0 = IncludeNoBody, 1 = IncludeShortAndFullBody, 2 = IncludeFullBody, 3 = IncludeShortBody
pressReleaseCategoryWorkflowId number
Specifies the workflow ID of the press release category you wish to use.
year number
Value of -1 will return all years.
noItems string
A message to show when there are no items.
Default value
<p><i class="q4-icon_warning-line"></i> No blog items found.</p>
loadingMessage string
A message to show when the widget is loading. This is also triggered when a new filter is selected.
Default value
<p class="module_loader"><i class="q4-icon_spinner"></i><span class="sr-only">Loading ...</span></p>
items number
The number of blog posts per page. Used with the pagination feature.
Default value
loadingClass string
A CSS class to add to the widget while data is loading.
firstPostClass string
A string for first item class.
Default value
defaultStartIndex number
Set the index to load the blog items from. This will allow you to skip a set number of blog posts before rendering the list. The start index is always 0 by default. For example, a featured post may be shown in a page header section, setting the start index to 1 would mean the list of blog posts starts at the second post - thus preventing a the first post from being duplicated (once in the header and again in the list). This index will reset if any filtering actions are taken.
shortBodyLength number
Set the number of characters to limit the short body.
Default value
bodyLength number
Set the number of characters to limit the body.
Default value
months Array.<string>
A list months. This option can be used to overwrite the default month format for the Archive feature. Additionally, it can be used to overwrite the month language.
Default value
formatDate string
Set the date format to use (datepicker)
Default value
MM d, yy
dateRegion string
Set the date region to use (datepicker). This is for multi-language support.
dateRegion: "fr"
listTpl string
A Mustache.js template for a single blog post.
'{{#.}}' +
'{{#.}}' +
'<div class="module_item">' +
    '<div class="module_thumbnail">' +
        '{{#thumb}}' +
            '<img src="{{thumb}}" alt="{{title}}" />' +
        '{{/thumb}}' +
    '</div>' +
    '<div class="module_item-content">' +
        '<div class="module_headline"><a class="module_headline-link" href="{{url}}">{{{title}}}</a></div>' +
        '<div class="module_date">{{date}}</div>' +
        '<div class="module_body">{{shortBody}}</div>'+
        '<div class="module_category">' +
            '{{/category}}' +
        '<div class="keywords">' +
            '{{#keywords}}' +
                '<span>{{modified}}</span>' +
            '{{/keywords}}' +
        '</div>' +
    '</div>' +
'</div>' +
keywordList Array.<Object>
Options for the keywords feature.
enable boolean
Enable or disable the feature. Default is: true.
url string
Overwrite the URL used to get the list of tags. Example: '/tags?category=Blog'
selector string
The CSS selector for the container. Default is: '.blog-keywords ul'.
tpl string
A Mustache.js template for the keyword items. This will render inside the selector.
onItemComplete function
A callback that fires after the feature has rendered for the first time.
keywordList: {
  enable: true,
  url: '',
  selector: '.module-blog_keywords ul',
    '<li data-tag="all">All</li>' +
    '{{#.}}' +
      '<li data-tag="{{id}}">{{name}}</li>' +
  onItemComplete: function(inst){
    var o = inst.options;
    $(this.selector).on('click', 'li', function(){
      location.hash = '';
      o.defaultStartIndex = null;
      if ($(this).data('tag') != "all"){
          year: -1,
          TagList: [$(this).data('tag')],
          ItemCount: -1
      } else {
            year: -1
categoryList Array.<Object>
Options for the categories feature.
enable boolean
Enable or disable the feature. Default is: true.
showAllCategories boolean
Force the widget to render all categories listed in the category option, even if they do not exist on any press releases. Default is: false.
url string
Overwrite the URL used to get the list of tags. Example: '/tags?category=Blog'
selector string
The CSS selector for the container. Default is: '.blog-categories ul'.
tpl string
A Mustache.js template for the category items. This will render inside the selector.
onItemComplete function
A callback that fires after the feature has rendered for the first time.
categoryList: {
  enable: false,
  url: '',
  showAllCategories: false,
  selector: '.module-blog_categories ul',
    '<li data-tag="all">All</li>' +
    '{{#.}}' +
      '<li data-tag="{{id}}">{{name}}</li>' +
  onItemComplete: function(inst){
    var o = inst.options;
    $(this.selector).on('click', 'li', function(){
      location.hash = '';
      o.defaultStartIndex = null;
      if ($(this).data('tag') != "all"){
          year: -1,
          TagList: [$(this).data('tag')],
          ItemCount: -1
      } else {
            year: -1
archiveList Array.<Object>
Options for the archive feature.
enable boolean
Enable or disable the feature. Default is: true.
url string
Overwrite the URL used to get the list of months/years. Example: '/archive?category=Blog'
selector string
The CSS selector for the container. Default is: '.blog-archive ul'.
tpl string
A Mustache.js template for the archive items. This will render inside the selector.
onItemComplete function
A callback that fires after the feature has rendered for the first time.
  enable: true,
  url: '',
  selector: '.module-blog_archive ul',
      '<li data-tag="all">All</li>' +
      '{{#.}}' +
        '<li data-start="{{start}}" data-end="{{end}}" data-tag="{{month}}-{{year}}">' +
          '<span>{{month}} {{year}} ({{total}})</span>' +
        '</li>' +
  onItemComplete: function(inst){
    var o = inst.options;
    $(this.selector).on('click', 'li', function(){
      location.hash = '';
      o.defaultStartIndex = null;
      if ($(this).data('tag') != "all"){
            year: -1,
            pressReleaseSelection: 2,
            startDate: '/Date(' + $(this).data('start') + ')/',
            endDate: '/Date(' + $(this).data('end') + ')/',
            ItemCount: -1
          }, 0, -1);
      } else {
            year: -1
yearList Array.<Object>
Options for the year list feature.
enable boolean
Enable or disable the feature. Default is: true.
selector string
The CSS selector for the container. Default is: '.blog-years ul'.
tpl string
A Mustache.js template for the year items. This will render inside the selector.
onItemComplete function
A callback that fires after the feature has rendered for the first time.
  enable: true,
  selector: '.module-blog_years ul',
    '{{#GetPressReleaseYearListResult}}' +
        '<li>{{.}}</li>' +
  onItemComplete: function(inst){
    var o = inst.options;
    $(this.selector).on('click', 'li', function(){
      o.defaultStartIndex = null;
        pressReleaseSelection: 3,
        year: $(this).text()
      }, 0, -1);
pagination Array.<Object>
Options for the pagination feature.
enable boolean
Enable or disable the feature. Default is: true.
selector string
The CSS selector for the container. Default is: '.blog-years ul'.
tpl string
A Mustache.js template for the pagination. This will render inside the selector.
pagination: {
  enable: true,
  selector: '.module-blog_pagination',
  tpl: (
    '<div class="showing">Showing <span>{{perPer}}</span> of {{total}} Posts</div>' +
    '<span class="prev disabled">< Previous</span>' +
    '<div class="numbers">' +
        '<ul>' +
            '{{#pageArr}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/pageArr}}' +
        '</ul>' +
    '</div>' +
    '<span class="next">Next ></span>'
onFirstLoad function
A callback that fires when after the blog list has rendered for the first time.
inst Event
The widget instance.
items Object
The blog post items that were rendered.
onListComplete function
A callback that fires each time the blog list is loaded.
inst Event
The widget instance.
blogList Object
The blog post items that were rendered.
onBlogCreate function
A callback that fires when the blog is first created, before anything has been rendered.
inst Event
The widget instance.