Q4Widgets API Documentation


Creates a responsive Committee Composition tables based of the Person List API.
Script link
Source file
q4.committee.js, line 2


url string
The base URL to use for API calls. By default, calls go to the current domain, so this option is usually unnecessary.
languageId string
A number representing which language to pull data from. By default the widget will attempt to auto-detect the language.
Enable responsive mode for the table
Default value
category string
Set a specific department based off the DepartmentWorkflowId.
Default value
defaultTag array
Filter results by tag. Pass an empty array for no filtering.
Default value
customRoles object
Static HTML to identify a custom roles. An example of this could be an independent committee member. This is currently set as part inside the @itemTpl and @mobileItemTpl Icons will exist as part of the `customRoles` array.
customRoles: {
     independent: ' ',
     expert: ' '
Default value
{"independent":"<div role=\"img\" class=\"inline\" aria-label=\"Lead Independent Director\"><span class=\"q4-icon_lead-director\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span></div>","chairman":"<div role=\"img\" class=\"inline\" aria-label=\"Chairman of the Board\"><span class=\"q4-icon_chairman\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span></div>"}
committeeTypes Array.<Object>
The data source for the composition table.
committeeTypes: [{
    name: 'Audit',
    tags: ['audit-chair', 'audit-member'],
    icons: ['q4i-icon-member chair', 'q4i-icon-member'],
    doc: {
        title: "Charter Document",
        url: "/charter-sample.pdf"
}, {
    name: 'Compensation',
    tags: ['compensation-chair', 'compensation-member'],
    icons: ['q4i-icon-member chair', 'q4i-icon-member'],
    doc: {
        title: "Charter Document",
        url: "/charter-sample.pdf"
    name: 'Executive',
    tags: ['executive-chair', 'executive-member'],
    icons: ['q4i-icon-member chair', 'q4i-icon-member'],
    doc: {
        title: "Charter Document",
        url: "/charter-sample.pdf"
name string
The committee name.
tags array
All tags associated with the committee.
icons array
Icons that correspond with the specified tag.
docs object
Document associated with the committee
template string

The "master" template to be appended onto the page.

Template includes

  • header (html) - @headerTpl
  • members (html) - @itemTpl
  • mobile (html) - @mobileWrapperTpl
  • legend (html) - @legendTpl
Example: (
    '<div class="desktop">' + 
        '{{{header}}}' +
        '{{{members}}}' +
    '</div>' +
    '<div class="mobile">' +
        '{{{mobile}}}' +
    '</div>' +
headerTpl string

Template used to generate the header

Template includes

  • name (string) - @committeeTypes.name
  • members (object) - Members belonging to each committee. @itemTpl.members
Example: (
   '<div class="person-header grid--no-gutter">' +
       '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}"></div>' +
       '{{#.}}' +
           '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}">{{name}}</div>' +
       '{{/.}}' +
itemTpl string

The itemTpl template contains data from the API plus some additional data generated from @committeeTypes

Template includes

  • firstName (string) - First Name
  • middleName (string) - Middle name will contain a space before and after the name if it exists, otherwise a single space will be present.
  • lastName (string) - Last Name
  • bio (string) - Biography
  • url (string) - Person Details URL
  • photo (string) - Image URL
  • thumb (string) - Thumbnail URL
  • title (string) - Person Title
  • committees (array) - Committees the person it belongs to. @committeeTypes
  • customRoles (array) *Optional - Allows you to include additional tags which will be linked with the corresponding icon which is set under `customRoles`.
Example: (
    '{{#members}}' +
        '<div class="person-item">' +
            '<div class="grid--no-gutter">' +
                '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}">' +
                    '<a href="{{url}}">{{firstName}}{{middleName}}{{lastName}}</a>' +
                    '{{#customRoles}}{{{.}}}{{/customRoles}}' +
                '</div>' +
                '{{{composition}}}' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="person-bio">' +
                '{{{bio}}}' +
            '</div>' +
        '</div>' +
committeeTpl string

A wrapper for each committee type.

  • icon (html) - Returns the correct icon based on the @iconTpl
Example: (
    '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}">' +
      '{{{icon}}}' +
legendTpl string

Static HTML Legend. Can be used in the @template to display additional HTML.

  • icon (string|html) contains @iconTpl
Example: (
   '<div class="person-legend">' +
       '<span class="icon-legend"><i class="q4i-circle-chair"></i> Chair</span>' +
       '<span class="icon-legend"><i class="q4i-icon-member"></i> Member</span>' +
       '<span class="icon-legend"><i class="q4i-icon-independant"></i> Independent Director</span>' +

Template includes

iconTpl string

Template used to generate icons and rendered as part of @committeeTpl & @mobileItemTpl.

  • cls (string|html) - Retrieved from @committeeTypes.icons
Example: (
   '<i class="{{cls}}"></i>'
mobileWrapperTpl string

Mobile wrapper.

Template includes

  • header (html) - @mobileHeaderTpl
  • items (html) - @mobileItemTpl
  • Example: (
       '<div class="person-category">' +
           '{{{header}}}' +
           '<div class="person-items">' +
               '{{{items}}}' +
           '</div>' +
mobileHeaderTpl function

Generates a header for each committee

  • name (string) - Committee name as described in @committeeTypes.names
Example: (
   '<div class="person-header grid--no-gutter">' +
       '<div class="col col-3-of-4 col-sm-3-of-4">{{name}}</div>' +
       '<div class="col col-1-of-4 col-sm-1-of-4"><i class="q4i-rounded-downchevon"></i></div>' +
mobileItemTpl function

Generates the mobile template for each committee member. Refer to @itemTpl for template options.

Template includes

  • firstName (string) - First Name
  • middleName (string) - Middle name will contain a space before and after the name if it exists, otherwise a single space will be present.
  • lastName (string) - Last Name
  • bio (string) - Biography
  • url (string) - Person Details URL
  • photo (string) - Image URL
  • thumb (string) - Thumbnail URL
  • title (string) - Person Title
  • customRoles (array) *Optional - Allows you to include additional tags which will render the corresponding html
Example: (
   '<div class="person-item">' +
       '<div class="grid--no-gutter">' +
           '<div class="person-name col col-3-of-4 col-sm-3-of-4">' +
               '<a class="person-link" href="{{url}}">{{firstName}}{{middleName}}{{lastName}}</a>' +
               '{{#customRoles}}{{{.}}}{{/customRoles}}' +
           '</div>' +
           '<div class="person-icon col col-1-of-4 col-sm-1-of-4">{{{icon}}}</div>' +
       '</div>' +
mobileTplAlt function

Generates an alternate template for mobile html. When used ignores mobileWrapperTpl, mobileHeaderTpl, and mobileItemTpl

Template includes

  • committees (array). List of committees including members @headerTpl.types
  • members (array). List of people including committees it belongs to. @itemTpl.members
Example: (
'<div id="irwCommitteeMobTab" class="tabbable irwShow">' +
 '<ul id="irwTabsEvent" class="nav nav-tabs">' +
   '<li class="active"><a href="#ByCommittee">By Committee</a></li>' +
   '<li><a href="#ByMember">By Member</a></li>' +
 '</ul>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="ByMember" class="Committeetab">' +
 '{{#members}}' +
   '<div class="irwTriggerModal text-primary">' +
     '<div class="irwMemberName footable-visible footable-last-column footable-first-column">' +
       '<span class="footable-toggle"></span>{{firstName}}{{middleName}}{{lastName}}' +
     '</div>' +
     '<div class="footable-row-detail" style="display:none;">' +
       '<div class="footable-row-detail-cell">' +
         '<div class="footable-row-detail-inner">' +
           '{{#committees}}' +
           '<div class="footable-row-detail-row">' +
             '<div class="footable-row-detail-name">{{name}} :</div>' +
             '<div class="footable-row-detail-value text-muted"><span class="faBox"><i class="{{icon}}"></i></span></div>' +
           '</div>' +
           '{{/committees}}' +
         '</div>' +
       '</div>' +
     '</div>' +
   '</div>' +
 '{{/members}}' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="ByCommittee" class="Committeetab" style="display:none;">' +
 '{{#committees}}' +
   '<div class="irwTriggerModal text-primary">' +
     '<div class="irwMemberName footable-visible footable-last-column footable-first-column">' +
       '<span class="footable-toggle"></span>{{name}}' +
     '</div>' +
     '<div class="footable-row-detail" style="display:none;">' +
       '<div class="footable-row-detail-cell">' +
         '<div class="footable-row-detail-inner">' +
           '{{#members}}' +
           '<div class="footable-row-detail-row">' +
             '<div class="footable-row-detail-name"><a href="/governance/board-of-directors/default.aspx">{{firstName}}{{middleName}}{{lastName}}</a> :</div>' +
             '<div class="footable-row-detail-value text-muted"><span class="faBox"><i class="{{icon}}"></i></span></div>' +
           '</div>' +
           '{{/members}}' +
         '</div>' +
       '</div>' +
     '</div>' +
   '</div>' +
 '{{/committees}}' +
loadingClass string
A CSS class to add to the widget while data is loading. This can be used to show and hide elements within the widget.
loadingMessage string
A message or HTML string to display while first loading the widget.
beforeRender function

A callback that fires before the widget is rendered.

personData array
An array of person data.
beforeRenderMobileAlt function

A callback that fires before the mobile alternate template is rendered.

mobileData object
Object of commmittees (array) and members (array) .
complete function

A callback that fires after the entire widget is rendered.