The Insider Ownership widget is used to display data elements related to insider ownership & funds- Script link
- q4.studioApi.4.0.0.min.js
- Source file
- q4.studioApi.js, line 612
This widget extends the q4.studioApi widget. It has all the options and methods of the parent widget, in addition to those below. See the parent widget's documentation for details.
Child widgets have all the options and methods of this widget, but may add their own as well. See the child widget's documentation for additional options or methods. This widget has the following child widgets:
<script type="text/javascript">
- itemsPerPage number
The number of items to render per page
- Default value
- summarySelector string
A selector where the summary table will be rendered
- Default value
.insider-ownership_table--activity tbody
- volumeTableSelector string
A selector where the high volume table will be rendered
- Default value
.insider-ownership_table--volume tbody
- insiderTableSelector string
A selector where the details and person details will be rendered
- Default value
- insiderLinkSelector string
A selector trigger to load individual details
- Default value
- returnTriggerSelector string
A selector trigger to reload detail list view/table
- Default value
- autoScroll boolean
Whether to auto scroll to details top offset when reloading items.
- Default value
- loadingMessage string
A message or HTML string to display while first loading the widget.
- Default value
<tr><td><p class="module_loader"><span class="q4-icon_spinner"></span><span class="sr-only">Loading ...</span></p></td></tr>
- totalCountSelector string
A selector which will be updated to the total number of items
- Default value
- a11yLoadingSelector string
A selector for the visually hidden aria-live region to announce the loading status of the insider table
- Default value
- defaultTemplate string
Default template for out of the box use
- summaryTpl string
Template for summary data
'{{#items}}' + '<tr>' + ' <td>{{aggregates}}</td>' + ' <td>{{shares}}</td>' + ' <td>{{price}}</td>' + ' <td>{{value}}</td>' + ' </tr>' + '{{/items}}'
- highVolumeTpl string
Template for high volume data
'{{#items}}' + '<tr>' + '<td><a href="{{personId}}" class="insider-ownership_link">{{#companyName}}{{companyName}}{{/companyName}}{{^companyName}}{{lastName}}, {{firstName}} {{middleName}}{{/companyName}}</a></td>' + '<td>{{buy}}</td>' + '<td>{{sell}}</td>' + '<td>{{options}}</td>' + '<td>{{totalTransactions}}</td>' + '<td>{{netShares}}</td>' + '</tr>' + '{{/items}}'
- insiderTableTpl string
Template for insider ownership list data
'<h3>Insider Ownership</h3>' + '<table class="table insider-ownership_table" data-sorting="false">' + ' <thead>' + ' <tr>' + ' <th data-toggle="true"><strong>Transaction Date</strong></th>' + ' <th data-type="html"><strong>Name</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs" class="text-center"><strong>Action</strong></th>' + ' <th><strong>Shares</strong></th>' + ' <th data-name="Price ($)" data-breakpoints="xs sm"><strong>Price ($)</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs sm"><strong>Value ($)</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs sm" class="text-center"><strong>Type</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs sm"><strong>Report Date</strong></th>' + ' <th data-title="Description" data-breakpoints="xs sm" class="text-right hidden"></th>' + ' </tr>' + ' </thead>' + ' <tbody>' + ' {{#items}}' + ' <tr class="tableNoBorder">' + ' <td>{{transactionDate}}</td>' + ' <td>' + ' <div class="OwnershipName">' + ' <a href="{{personId}}" class="insider-ownership_link">{{#companyName}}{{companyName}}{{/companyName}}{{^companyName}}{{lastName}}, {{firstName}} {{middleName}}{{/companyName}}</a><br>' + ' {{title}}' + ' </div>' + ' </td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{action}}</td>' + ' <td>{{shares}}</td>' + ' <td>{{price}}</td>' + ' <td>{{value}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{type}}</td>' + ' <td>{{reportDate}}</td>' + ' <td class="hidden">{{description}}</td>' + ' </tr>' + ' <tr class="hidden-medium">' + ' <td></td>' + ' <td colspan="8">{{description}}</td>' + ' </tr>' + ' {{/items}}' + ' </tbody>' + '</table>'
- insiderDetailTpl string
Template for individual insider ownership list data
'<p><a role="button" href="javascript:;" class="insider-ownership_return"><span class="q4-icon_chevron-left"></span> Return to main ownership page</a></p>' + '<h3>{{#items.0}}{{lastName}}, {{firstName}} {{middleName}}{{/items.0}}</h3>' + '<table class="table insider-ownership_table insider-ownership_table--details" data-sorting="false">' + ' <thead>' + ' <tr class="active">' + ' <th data-toggle="true"><strong>Transaction Date </strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs" class="text-center"><strong>Action</strong></th>' + ' <th><strong>Shares</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs"><strong>Price $</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs"><strong>Value $</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs sm" class="text-center"><strong>Type</strong></th>' + ' <th data-breakpoints="xs sm"><strong>Report Date </strong></th>' + ' </tr>' + ' </thead>' + ' <tbody>' + ' {{#items}}' + ' <tr>' + ' <td>{{transactionDate}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{action}}</td>' + ' <td>{{shares}}</td>' + ' <td>{{price}}</td>' + ' <td>{{value}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{type}}</td>' + ' <td>{{reportDate}}</td>' + ' </tr>' + ' {{/items}}' + ' </tbody>' + '</table>'
- detailsComplete function
Callback function after list table loads/reloads
- Parameters
- event function
- Callback function after list table loads/reloads