Q4Widgets API Documentation


The Ownership widget is used to display data elements related to institutions & funds *

Latest Version Update: 1.0.4
- Remove apiUrl and replace with studioApi
- Reformat date reported as per API changes

Latest Version Update: 1.0.3
- Fixed pagination display being hardcoded
- Added first page record option (firstRecordSelector)
- Added last page record option (lastRecordSelector)
- Fix pagination display not resetting when tab or dropdown is clicked
- Fix next button not disabled when there's only one page

Latest Version Update: 1.0.2
- Updated Documentation
- Added option to modify table headers.
- Removed default apiUrl pointing to Dev
- Removed ticker default
- Fixed typos
- Added appropriate console errors when API call fails
- Added new callback function beforeShowTable
Script link
Source file
q4.ownership.js, line 2


<script type="text/javascript">


studioApi string
URL for the Studio API,
ticker string
The ticker you wish to load, please note this values must exist as part of the indices
summarySelector string
A selector where the summary table will be rendered
Default value
totalTabsSelector string
A selector where the tabs will be rendered
Default value
totalDropdownSelector string
A dropdown replacement for the tabs while on tablet
Default value
detailsSelector string
A selector where the details will be rendered
Default value
ownershipTypeSelector string
A selector for the ownership type dropdown
Default value
activityTypeSelector string
Text to describe which tab is selected
Default value
paginationSelector string
A selector where the pagination will be added
Default value
totalCountSelector string
A selector which will be updated to the total number of items
Default value
firstRecordSelector string
A selector which will be updated to the first index of the current page
Default value
lastRecordSelector string
A selector which will be updated to the last index of the current page
Default value
itemsPerPage number
The number of items to render per page
Default value
names object
A mapping object for all friendly names
names: {
   sharesOut: 'Shares Outstanding',
   shortInterest: 'Short Interest Shares',
   floatPct: 'Float (%)',
   instOwnershipPct: 'Institutional Ownership (%)',
   fundOwnershipPct: 'Mutual Fund Ownership (%)',
   insiderOwnershipPct: 'Insider Ownership (%)',
   topInstHoldersPct: 'Top 10 Instn Holders (%)',
   all: 'Total Positions',
   new: 'New Positions',
   increased: 'Increased Positions',
   decreased: 'Decreased Positions',
   soldout: 'Soldout Positions',
   netchange: 'Net Change'
headers function
A mapping object for the table headers. 'type' parameter is taken from the options under 'ownershipTypeSelector' option.
headers: function (type) {
   return [{
       label: type === 'institution' ? 'Company' : 'Fund',
       fieldName: 'ownerName',
       cls: 'Tbl-th-FirstCol text-primary InstitOwnSorting',
   }, {
       label: 'Shares',
       fieldName: 'sharesHeld',
       cls: 'text-center text-primary InstitOwnSorting',
       sortBy: true
   }, {
       label: '% Out',
       fieldName: 'outprcnt',
       cls: 'text-center text-primary InstitOwnSorting'
   }, {
       label: 'Value ($)',
       fieldName: 'valuation',
       cls: 'text-right text-primary InstitOwnSorting'
   }, {
       label: 'Reported',
       fieldName: 'reported',
       cls: 'text-left text-primary InstitOwnSorting',
       breakpoints: 'xs sm'
   }, {
       label: 'Change',
       fieldName: 'sharesChanged',
       cls: 'text-right text-primary InstitOwnSorting',
       breakpoints: 'xs sm'
loadingMessage string
A message or HTML string to display while first loading the widget.
Default value
<p class="module_loader">Loading ...</p>
showPercent boolean
Determines if a percent sigh (%) should be displayed after the value.
Default value
dateFormat string
Determines reported date format. Uses jQuery datepicker parsing.
Default value
useDefaultTpl boolean
Append the default template
Default value
template string
Default template for out of the box use
'<div class="InstitutionalOwnershipForm" style="display:none;">' +
     '<div class="container InsiderOwnership">' +
         '<h1 class="InsiderOwnershipHeading irwTitle">Institutional Ownership</h1>' +
         '<div id="InstitutionalOwnershipPanel">' +
             '<div class="irwDivTable col-xs-12 irwInstitutionalOwnershipDivTable"></div>' +
             '<div class="clearfix"></div>' +
             '<div class="irwDivTable col-xs-12">' +
                 '<div class="row bg-primary irwDivTableHeader InstitutionalOwnershipTitle2">' +
                     '<strong>Ownership Activity - <span class="InstitutionalOwnershipView">Total Positions</span></strong>' +
                 '</div>' +
             '</div>' +
             '<div class="clearfix"></div>' +
             '<div class="row visible-sm visible-xs clear irwInstitutionalOwnershipResponsiveTabs"></div>' +
             '<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked irwCommonTabs col-md-3 irwInstitutionalOwnTabs visible-md visible-lg"></ul>' +
             '<div class="tab-content col-md-9 irwInstitutionalOwnTabsContent">' +
                 '<div class="tab-pane active HasCustomFields irwInstOwnLoading">' +
                     '<div class="row">' +
                         '<div class="col-md-6">' +
                             '<select id="keyFndg" class="irwInstitutionalOwnSelect form-control security Customform-group">' +
                                 '<option value="institution" selected="">Institutional Ownership</option>' +
                                 '<option value="mutualfund">Mutual Fund</option>' +
                             '</select>' +
                         '</div>' +
                         '<div class="col-md-6"></div>' +
                     '</div>' +
                 '</div>' +
                 '<div class="row irwInstOwnLoading irwInstOwnTblPannel">' +
                     '<div class="col-md-12 irwInstitutionalOwnContent"></div>' +
                 '</div>' +
                 '<div class="clearfix"></div>' +
                 '<div class="irwTableFooter">' +
                     '<div class="row">' +
                         '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4">' +
                             '<div class="irwpagedisplay">' +
                                 'Displaying 1 to 20 (of )' +
                             '</div>' +
                         '</div>' +
                         '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8">' +
                             '<div class="irwInstitutionalOwnPagination pull-right"></div>' +
                         '</div>' +
                     '</div>' +
                 '</div>' +
             '</div>' +
         '</div>' +
     '</div>' +
summaryTpl string
Template to be used for Ownership Information
'<div class="row bg-primary irwDivTableHeader InstitutionalOwnershipTitle1">' +
    '<strong>Ownership Information</strong>' +
'</div>' +
'{{#.}}' +
    '<div class="row irwDivTableRow text-primary">' +
        '<div class="col-xs-6">' +
            '<span>{{label}}</span>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="col-xs-6 text-right">' +
            '<span>{{value}}</span>' +
        '</div>' +
    '</div>' +
totalTabsTpl string
Template to be used for tabs. Only supports the use of html 'li' html tag
'{{#.}}' +
    '{{#holders}}<li class="text-primary InstitOwnTab" data-type="{{label}}"><a href="#" data-toggle="pill">{{/holders}}' +
    '{{^holders}}<li class="irwInstOwnNoLink"><a data-toggle="pill">{{/holders}}' +
    '<h4>{{name}}</h4>' +
    '{{#holders}}' +
        '<small class="text-muted tabMuteTitle  hidden-xs">' +
            'HOLDERS' +
        '</small>' +
        '<small class="text-muted hidden-xs pull-left">' +
            '<strong>{{holders}}</strong>' +
        '</small>' +
        '<div class="clearfix"></div>' +
    '{{/holders}}' +
    '{{#shares}}' +
        '<small class="text-muted hidden-xs tabMuteTitle">' +
            'SHARES' +
        '</small>' +
        '<small class="text-muted hidden-xs pull-left">' +
            '<strong>{{shares}}</strong>' +
        '</small>' +
        '<div class="clearfix"></div>' +
    '{{/shares}}' +
    '</a>' +
    '<div class="irwVerTabsConnect"></div>' +
totalDropDownTpl string
A dropdown version of the totals for matching mobile
'<div class="col-md-12">' +
    '<div class="well" style="overflow: visible;">' +
        '<div class="btn-group btn-input clearfix irwCustomDropDown">' +
            '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle form-control btn-block" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">' +
                '<span class="irwCustomDropDownSelected" data-bind="label">Total Positions</span>' +
                '<span class="caretContainer"> <span class="caret"></span></span>' +
            '</button>' +
            '<ul class="dropdown-menu text-primary instOwnerCustomDropDown" role="menu">' +
                '{{#.}}' +
                '{{#holders}}<li data-type="{{label}}">{{/holders}}' +
                    '{{^holders}}<li class="irwInstOwnNoLink">{{/holders}}' +
                    '<a class="InstitOwnTab">' +
                        '<span class="irwCustomDropDownItem">{{name}}</span>' +
                        '<div class="clearfix"></div>' +
                        '{{#holders}}' +
                        '<small class="text-muted tabMuteTitle">HOLDERS</small>' +
                        '<small class="text-muted "><strong>{{holders}}</strong></small>' +
                        '{{/holders}}' +
                        '{{#shares}}' +
                        '<small class="text-muted tabMuteTitle">SHARES</small>' +
                        '<small class="text-muted"><strong>{{shares}}</strong></small>' +
                        '{{/shares}}' +
                    '</a>' +
                '</li>' +
                '{{/.}}' +
            '</ul>' +
        '</div>' +
    '</div>' +
tableTpl string
Template to be used for the details table
'<table class="table Tbl-InsitOwnership irwResponsiveTable table-hover" data-sort="false">' +
    '<thead>' +
        '<tr>' +
            '{{#headers}}' +
                '<th role="button" class="{{cls}}{{#sortBy}} descending{{/sortBy}}" data-sort="{{#sortBy}}true{{/sortBy}}{{^sortBy}}false{{/sortBy}}" data-order="-1" data-field="{{fieldName}}" {{#breakpoints}}data-breakpoints="xs sm"{{/breakpoints}}>{{label}}</th>' +
            '{{/headers}}' +
        '</tr>' +
    '</thead>' +
    '<tbody></tbody>' +
tableBodyTpl string
Template for the details body to allow for refreshing data without rerendering the entire table
'{{#data}}' +
    '<tr class="text-primary">' +
        '<td class="text-left"><span>{{ownerName}}</span></td>' +
        '<td class="text-center"><span>{{sharesHeld}}</span></td>' +
        '<td class="text-center"><span>{{outprcnt}}</span></td>' +
        '<td class="text-right"><span>{{valuation}}</span></td>' +
        '<td class="text-left"><span>{{reported}}</span></td>' +
        '<td class="text-right"><span>{{sharesChanged}}</span></td>' +
    '</tr>' +
paginationTpl string
Template to be used for pagination
'<ul class="pagination pull-right HistoricPricesPagination">' +
    '<li class="pagination_prev" style="display:inline-block;">' +
        '<button type="button" id="PreviousPage" class="btn-default btn"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i></button>' +
    '</li>' +
    '{{#.}}' +
    '<li class="pagination_page" data-page="{{.}}" style="display:none;">' +
        '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default">{{.}}</button>' +
    '</li>' +
    '{{/.}}' +
    '<li class="pagination_next" style="display:inline-block;">' +
        '<button type="button" id="NextPage" class="btn-default btn"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></button>' +
    '</li>' +
beforeShowTable function
Callback function before showing the results table on load, filter or selection. Can be used for table specific libraries such as FootableJS.
event function
Callback function before showing the results table on load, filter or selection. Can be used for table specific libraries such as FootableJS.
complete function
Callback function when widget has loaded the first time.
event function
Callback function when widget has loaded the first time.