A preconfigured stock chart, using the Highstock plugin.Recent Version Updates:
1.4.3 - Add datepickers, pagination, date sorting and options to the data table. Improve tab order. Improve keyboard controls for datepickers and scrollbar navigation. Improve legend toggling functionality by adjusting the extremes and datepicker when necessary.
1.4.2 - accessible data table button controlled by accessibleDataTable option. HOTFIX: Chart inputs now untabbable when data table is open. HOTFIX: multiple tables and buttons can now be created for multiple charts on one page
1.4.1 - chart container, range input and datepicker button now have aria-hidden and tabindex -1.
1.4.0 - Addition of accessible datepicker option 'accessibleDatepicker: true'
1.3.13 - Updated from Highstock 4.2.7 to Highstock 8.2.0
- Script link
- q4.chart.1.4.5.min.js
- Source file
- q4.chart.js, line 2
- Requires
- url string
The base URL of the Q4 website.
- Example
- stocks stringArray.<string>
An array of stock symbols to use on the stock price chart.
Each symbol can be a string of the format "EXCHANGE:SYMBOL",
or an array containing "EXCHANGE:SYMBOL" and a custom
display name.
- Example
- Example
[['NYSE:XXX', 'NYSE: TEST.XXX']] or [['NYSE:XXX', 'NYSE: TEST.XXX'],['NYSE:YYY','TESTING']] for two indices
- lockStock boolean
Whether to prevent stock price charts from being toggled off.
- Default value
- legend boolean
Whether to show the legend.
- Default value
- useDatepicker boolean
Whether to use jQuery datepicker
- Default value
- accessibleDatepicker boolean
Whether to use and generate an accessible datepicker
- Default value
- accessibleDataTable Object
A set of options that override the default settings of the data table to allow for more customization.
accessibleDataTable: { enabled: true, // whether show the data table. pager: { // pager widget config - send as an empty object if pagination is not needed. content: $(_.chart.dataTableDiv).find('tbody > tr'), perPage: 10, pageRange: 10, template: '<li class="pager_list-item"><button class="pager_button">{{{page}}}</button></li>', trigger: 'button' }, btnText: { // The text applied to button which shows / hides the data table. view: "View stock chart as data table", hide: "Hide stock chart data table" }, sorting: { // Options for date sorting. direction: "ASC", // Use "ASC" for ascending and "DESC" for descending. ascIcon: "q4-icon_cta-arrow-up", descIcon: "q4-icon_cta-arrow-down" }, format: { // The format of each column of date in the table. date: "MM/DD/YYYY", price: function(price) { // Round to the nearest two decimals. return parseFloat(price).toFixed(2); }, volume: function(volume) { // Add commas. var split = volume.toString().split("."); split[0] = split[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return split.join("."); } }, headers: { // The text applied to the table column headers. date: "Date", price: "Price", volume: "Volume" } }
- startDate number
Use to determine when data should populate the chart. By default, it'll use the first data point in historical list.
- Example
startDate: new Date("05/22/2013").getTime()
- datepickerOpts Object
A set of options to pass directly to the datepicker constructor, it will extend/overwrite the existing default options.
- showSymbolInLegend boolean
Whether to show the stock quote in the chart legend.
- Default value
- stockLimit number
The maximum number of data points to fetch for the stock chart.
- Default value
- volume boolean
Whether to include a volume chart below the stock price chart.
- Default value
- volumeHeight number
The height of the volume chart, as a percentage.
- volumeSeparate boolean
Whether to have the volume series's y-Axis take up the whole height alongside the value series (false), or be separated y-Axis below the value series (true)
- Default value
- news boolean
Whether to include a series of flags for press releases.
- Default value
- newsColor sting
Color used to fill the news dots
- Default value
- newsOnLoad boolean
If `news` is true, whether to show news flags on initial load.
- Default value
- newsLimit number
If `news` is true, the maximum number of news items to display.
- Default value
- newsLength number
If `news` is true, the maximum length of each news headline.
- Default value
- newsCategory string
If `news` is true, the news category ID to use.
The default is to load all categories.
- Default value
- newsTags Array.<string>
If `news` is true, an array of tags to filter news releases by.
- events boolean
Whether to include a series of flags for events.
- Default value
- eventsOnLoad boolean
If `events` is true, whether to show event flags on initial load.
- Default value
- eventsLimit number
If `events` is true, the maximum number of events to display.
- Default value
- eventsTags Array.<string>
If `events` is true, an array of tags to filter events by.
- stockOpts Object
A set of Highstock options for the stock price series.
- volumeOpts Object
A set of Highstock options for the volume series.
- newsOpts Object
A set of Highstock options for the press release series.
- eventsOpts Object
A set of Highstock options for the event series.
- highstockOpts Object
A set of Highstock options for the chart in general.
You can configure the individual chart series with
`stockOpts`, `volumeOpts`, `newsOpts` and `eventsOpts`.
- highchartsOpts Object
A set of (non-Highstock) Highcharts options.
- appendTable Boolean
Append a static table for accessibility
- simplifyData Boolean
Use simplified stock data so that high, low, and open values are not passed in.
Helps reduce conflicts with certain chart types (ie, area & areaspline)
- noDataTpl
A message or HTML string to display if there is no stock data for current exchange/symbol.
- complete function
A callback that is fired after the chart is rendered.
- Parameters
- event Event
- The event object.