Overwrites the default Mailing List Signup validation.- Script link
- q4.captcha.1.1.5.min.js
- Source file
- q4.captcha.js, line 2
$("#clndr").calendar(); $('.MailingListSignupContainer').captcha({ captchaCSS: !!0, inputCSS: !!0 });
- errorsTpl string
A Mustache template containing the name of all fields which failed validation
- Example
'<ul class="error-container">' + '{{#.}}' + '<li>{{.}} is required</li>' + '{{/.}}' + '</ul>'
- captchaText string
Text displayed for captcha
- invalidCaptcha string
Text used if the form is submited before the captcha is complete
- captchaCls string
The class name for the cpatcha's container
- captchaCSS object
Inline CSS added to the captcha container
- inputCSS object
Inline CSS added to captcha input
- scrollOnConfirmation boolean
If set to true the page will scroll towards the email alerts module
- scrollOffset interger
Scroll offset on confirmation
- submitText interger
Default text used for the submit button
- submitTextFancy interger
Default text for the submit button inside fancybox