Q4Widgets API Documentation


Overwrites the default Mailing List Signup validation.
Script link
Source file
q4.captcha.js, line 2


    captchaCSS: !!0,
    inputCSS: !!0


errorsTpl string
A Mustache template containing the name of all fields which failed validation
'<ul class="error-container">' +
     '{{#.}}' +
          '<li>{{.}} is required</li>' +
      '{{/.}}' +
captchaText string
Text displayed for captcha
invalidCaptcha string
Text used if the form is submited before the captcha is complete
captchaCls string
The class name for the cpatcha's container
captchaCSS object
Inline CSS added to the captcha container
inputCSS object
Inline CSS added to captcha input
scrollOnConfirmation boolean
If set to true the page will scroll towards the email alerts module
scrollOffset interger
Scroll offset on confirmation
submitText interger
Default text used for the submit button
submitTextFancy interger
Default text for the submit button inside fancybox