Q4Widgets API Documentation


The As Reported widget displays financial data exactly as reported by the company. Document types include: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.
API used: Studio Public API documentation
Script link
Source file
q4.studioApi.js, line 6738

This widget extends the q4.studioApi widget. It has all the options and methods of the parent widget, in addition to those below. See the parent widget's documentation for details.

Child widgets have all the options and methods of this widget, but may add their own as well. See the child widget's documentation for additional options or methods. This widget has the following child widgets:


<div id="asReported"></div>
 <script type="text/javascript">
     studioApi: "abc.studio.q4api.com", 
     ticker: "xnys.abc"


documentType string
The type of document to retrieve data for. Options include:
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Cash Flow

Please see Studio Public API documentation for more info
Default value
Balance Sheet
periodIds string
Comma separated id of the periods of interest. If empty string is passed, current year YTD and four last full years is used. If there's not YTD for current year, last full five years is used.
keyItems string
Comma separated keyItems of the items of interest. If empty string is passed, all items are returned.
defaultTemplate string
Default template for out of the box use
Default value
<div class="as-reported_table-container"></div>
asReportedSelector string
A selector where the asReported table will be rendered
Default value
asReportedTpl string
Template used to render the as reported data
'<table class="table table--responsive as-reported_table">'+
   '<caption class="sr-only">{{type}} as reported data</caption>'+
           '<th class="as-reported_header-col--name">'+
                   '<span class="text-muted">{{#.}}{{{.}}}{{/.}}{{^.}}<br>{{/.}}</span>'+
           '<th class="as-reported_header-col--period">'+
                   '<span class="text-muted">{{.}}</span>'+
           '<tr class="{{#header}}as-reported_row--header{{/header}}">'+
               '<td class="{{#indent}}as-reported_indent--{{indent}}{{/indent}}" {{#header}}colspan="{ {columnCount}}"{{/header}}>{{name}}</td>'+
               '{{^header}}' +
                       '<td class="{{#isNegative}}as-reported_value--negative{{/isNegative}}" {{#value}} data-heading="{{period}}: "{{/value}}>{{value}}</td>'+
               '{{/header}}' + 
headerRowMapping object
Maps the title (name) of the header row / column to the respective property of the data.selectedPeriods object. The data.selectedPeriods object is returned within the response of the asReported/data API request. Please visit Studio Public API (As Reported Data) to view the sample data.
 '': 'periodValue', 
 'Document Name': 'documentName',
 'As Of Date': 'asOfDate', 
 'Currency Code': 'currency' 
appendMagnitude boolean
Whether to append the magnitude to the currency. If all magnitudes are all the same for all periods the magnitude will be appended to the header name. If there contains different magnitutes, the magnitude will be appended to their respected currency value.
Default value
hideNARows boolean
Whether to hide the data rows where all the values for each period is N/A.
Default value
removeRows Array.<string>
An array of strings representing the name of the row which will be excluded from rendering.
Default value