Q4Widgets API Documentation


Stock Quote using Euro Data
Script link
Source file
q4.euro-stock.js, line 2


customerKey string
Client name, based on EuroInvestor
dateFormat string
Date format using datepicker
changeCls array
Additional class added if the price is up or down
tabCls string
Container class for tabs
stockCls string
Container class for the Stock Quote
stockTpl string
Mustache Template for the stock
symbol string
Mustache Template for the stock
exchange string
Mustache Template for the stock
change string
Mustache Template for the stock
percChange string
Mustache Template for the stock
tradePrice string
Mustache Template for the stock
high string
Mustache Template for the stock
low string
Mustache Template for the stock
high52 string
Mustache Template for the stock
low52 string
Mustache Template for the stock
open string
Mustache Template for the stock
previousClose string
Mustache Template for the stock
tradeDate string
Mustache Template for the stock
volume string
Mustache Template for the stock
tradeTime string
Mustache Template for the stock
uod string
Mustache Template for the stock
tabTpl string
Template for tabs
exchangeMap object
Map Full exchange names to an acronym.
complete function
A callback that fires after the entire widget is rendered.
event Event
The event object.