Creates an interactive Committee Composition tables based off of the Person List API. This widget targets S&P Migration Clients.Recent Version Updates:
1.0.3 - Allow sorting with multiple keys
- Script link
- q4.index-committee.1.0.3.min.js
- Source file
- q4.index-committee.js, line 2
- Requires
- url string
The base URL to use for API calls.
By default, calls go to the current domain, so this option is usually unnecessary.
- usePublic boolean
Overwrites whether public API is used in preview
- responsive boolean
Enable responsive mode for the table which builds mobile tables using mobile templates
- Default value
- category string
Set a specific department based off the DepartmentWorkflowId.
- Default value
- Example
- defaultTag array
Filter results by tag. Pass an empty array for no filtering.
- Default value
- grouping array
Option to group person list based off of a tag and renders a header row.
grouping: [{ tag: 'independent-director', label: 'Independent directors', }, { tag: 'other', label: 'Other directors', }]
- sortBy stringarray
Option to sort list using data key
- Example
- priority array
Option to select priority of the members based on tags. Puts priority as first on the list.
- Example
['ceo', 'chairman']
- showDetails boolean
Whether to render the details fancy box.
- Default value
- fancyboxLinkSelector string
Trigger selector for detail popup using fancybox
- Default value
.module-committee_member-link, .module-committee_charter-link
- fancyboxOpts object
Fancybox options
- Default value
{"parentEl":"#irwCommitteeCharting","type":"html","autoFocus":false,"baseClass":"modal fade in","smallBtn":"","afterLoad":""}
- customRoles object
Static HTML to identify a custom roles.
An example of this could be an independent committee member.
This is currently set as part inside the @itemTpl and @mobileItemTpl
Icons will exist as part of the `customRoles` array.
customRoles: { independent: ' ', expert: ' ' }
- Default value
{"independent":"<i class=\"q4-icon_briefcase-line\"></i>","expert":"<i class=\"q4-icon_star-fill\"></i>"}
- committeeTypes Array.<Object>
The data source for the composition table.
committeeTypes: [{ name: 'Audit', tags: ['audit-chair', 'audit-member'], icons: ['q4i-icon-member chair', 'q4i-icon-member'], doc: { title: "Charter Document", url: "/charter-sample.pdf" } }, { name: 'Compensation', tags: ['compensation-chair', 'compensation-member'], icons: ['q4i-icon-member chair', 'q4i-icon-member'], doc: { title: "Charter Document", url: "/charter-sample.pdf" } },{ name: 'Executive', tags: ['executive-chair', 'executive-member'], icons: ['q4i-icon-member chair', 'q4i-icon-member'], doc: { title: "Charter Document", url: "/charter-sample.pdf" } }]
- Parameters
- name string
- The committee name.
- tags array
- All tags associated with the committee.
- icons array
- Icons that correspond with the specified tag.
- docs object
- Document associated with the committee
- template string
The "master" template to be appended onto the page.
Template includes
- header (html) - @headerTpl
- members (html) - @itemTpl
- mobile (html) - @mobileTpl
- legend (html) - @legendTpl
Example: ( '<div class="desktop">' + '{{{header}}}' + '{{{members}}}' + '</div>' + '<div class="mobile">' + '{{{mobile}}}' + '</div>' + '{{{legend}}}' )
- headerTpl string
Template used to generate the header
Template includes
- name (string) - @committeeTypes.name
- members (object) - Members belonging to each committee. @itemTpl.members
Example: ( '<div class="person-header grid-no-gutter">' + '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}"></div>' + '{{#.}}' + '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}">{{name}}</div>' + '{{/.}}' + '</div>' )
- itemTpl string
The itemTpl template contains data from the API plus some additional data generated from @committeeTypes
Template includes
- firstName (string) - First Name
- middleName (string) - Middle name will contain a space before and after the name if it exists, otherwise a single space will be present.
- lastName (string) - Last Name
- bio (string) - Biography
- url (string) - Person Details URL
- photo (string) - Image URL
- thumb (string) - Thumbnail URL
- title (string) - Person Title
- committees (array) - Committees the person it belongs to. @committeeTypes
- customRoles (array) *Optional - Allows you to include additional tags which will be linked with the corresponding icon which is set under `customRoles`.
Example: ( '{{#members}}' + '<div class="person-item">' + '<div class="grid-no-gutter">' + '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}">' + '<a href="{{url}}">{{firstName}}{{middleName}}{{lastName}}</a>' + '{{#customRoles}}{{{.}}}{{/customRoles}}' + '</div>' + '{{{composition}}}' + '</div>' + '<div class="person-bio">' + '{{{bio}}}' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '{{/members}}' )
- committeeTpl string
A wrapper for each committee type.
- icon (html) - Returns the correct icon based on the @iconTpl
Example: ( '<div class="col col-1-of-{{columns}}">' + '{{{icon}}}' + '</div>' )
- legendTpl string
Static HTML Legend. Can be used in the @template to display additional HTML.
- icon (string|html) contains @iconTpl
Example: ( '<div class="person-legend">' + '<span class="icon-legend"><i class="q4i-circle-chair"></i> Chair</span>' + '<span class="icon-legend"><i class="q4i-icon-member"></i> Member</span>' + '<span class="icon-legend"><i class="q4i-icon-independent"></i> Independent Director</span>' + '</div>' )
Template includes
- iconTpl string
Template used to generate icons and rendered as part of @committeeTpl & @mobileItemTpl.
- cls (string|html) - Retrieved from @committeeTypes.icons
Example: ( '<i class="{{cls}}"></i>' )
- Default value
- mobileTpl function
Generates an alternate template for mobile html. When used ignores mobileWrapperTpl, mobileHeaderTpl, and mobileItemTpl
Template includes
- committees (array). List of committees including members @headerTpl.types
- members (array). List of people including committees it belongs to. @itemTpl.members
Example: ( '<div id="irwCommitteeMobTab" class="tabbable irwShow">' + '<ul id="irwTabsEvent" class="nav nav-tabs">' + '<li class="active"><a href="#ByCommittee">By Committee</a></li>' + '<li><a href="#ByMember">By Member</a></li>' + '</ul>' + '</div>' + '<div id="ByMember" class="Committeetab">' + '{{#members}}' + '<div class="irwTriggerModal text-primary">' + '<div class="irwMemberName footable-visible footable-last-column footable-first-column">' + '<span class="footable-toggle"></span>{{firstName}}{{middleName}}{{lastName}}' + '</div>' + '<div class="footable-row-detail" style="display:none;">' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-cell">' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-inner">' + '{{#committees}}' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-row">' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-name">{{name}} :</div>' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-value text-muted"><span class="faBox"><i class="{{icon}}"></i></span></div>' + '</div>' + '{{/committees}}' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '{{/members}}' + '</div>' + '<div id="ByCommittee" class="Committeetab" style="display:none;">' + '{{#committees}}' + '<div class="irwTriggerModal text-primary">' + '<div class="irwMemberName footable-visible footable-last-column footable-first-column">' + '<span class="footable-toggle"></span>{{name}}' + '</div>' + '<div class="footable-row-detail" style="display:none;">' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-cell">' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-inner">' + '{{#members}}' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-row">' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-name"><a href="/governance/board-of-directors/default.aspx">{{firstName}}{{middleName}}{{lastName}}</a> :</div>' + '<div class="footable-row-detail-value text-muted"><span class="faBox"><i class="{{icon}}"></i></span></div>' + '</div>' + '{{/members}}' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '{{/committees}}' + '</div>' )
- loadingClass string
A CSS class to add to the widget while data is loading. This can be used to show and hide elements within the widget.
- loadingMessage string
A message or HTML string to display while first loading the widget.
- beforeRender function
A callback that fires before the full widget is rendered.
- Parameters
- event Event
- The event object.
- data Object
- The complete template data.
- complete function
A callback that fires after the entire widget is rendered.
- Parameters
- event Event
- The event object.