The Ownership widget is used to display data elements related to institutions & funds- Script link
- q4.studioApi.4.0.0.min.js
- Source file
- q4.studioApi.js, line 1694
This widget extends the q4.studioApi widget. It has all the options and methods of the parent widget, in addition to those below. See the parent widget's documentation for details.
Child widgets have all the options and methods of this widget, but may add their own as well. See the child widget's documentation for additional options or methods. This widget has the following child widgets:
<script type="text/javascript">
- itemsPerPage number
The number of items to render per page
- Default value
- names object
A mapping object for all friendly names
names: { sharesOut: 'Shares Outstanding', shortInterest: 'Short Interest Shares', floatPct: 'Float (%)', instOwnershipPct: 'Institutional Ownership (%)', fundOwnershipPct: 'Mutual Fund Ownership (%)', insiderOwnershipPct: 'Insider Ownership (%)', topInstHoldersPct: 'Top 10 Instn Holders (%)', all: 'Total Positions', new: 'New Positions', increased: 'Increased Positions', decreased: 'Decreased Positions', soldout: 'Soldout Positions', netchange: 'Net Change' }
- ownershipModalTriggerSelector string
A selector which targets the Institutional Ownership > 100% modal trigger
- Default value
- summarySelector string
A selector where the summary table will be rendered
- Default value
- ownershipActivityHeadingSelector string
A selector for the Institutional Activity section heading
- Default value
- totalTabsSelector string
Desktop - selector where the tabs on desktop will be rendered
- Default value
- dropdownToggleSelector string
Mobile - a selector which targets the button to hide/show the dropdown.
- Default value
- dropdownSelectedItemSelector string
Mobile - a selector for the toggle text which is from dropdownItemSelector when selected.
- Default value
- dropdownSelector string
Mobile - a selector for the container of the toggle and dropdown.
- Default value
- dropdownOpenCls string
Mobile - a class which is applied to dropdownSelector when the dropdown is visible. Class is removed when option is selected.
- Default value
- totalDropdownSelector string
Mobile - a container for the dropdown replacement for the tabs while on tablet.
- Default value
- dropdownBtnSelector string
Mobile - a selector for the buttons in the dropdown.
- Default value
- dropdownItemSelector string
Mobile - a selector for the dropdown buttons text. This will be used as the text (dropdownSelectedItemSelector) of the toggle button when selected.
- Default value
- ownershipTypeSelector string
A selector for the ownership activity category dropdown
- Default value
- detailsSelector string
A selector where the ownership activity details will be rendered
- Default value
- totalCountSelector string
A selector which will be updated to the total number of items. Part of pagination.
- Default value
- firstRecordSelector string
A selector which will be updated to the first index of the current page. Part of pagination.
- Default value
- lastRecordSelector string
A selector which will be updated to the last index of the current page. Part of pagination.
- Default value
- headers function
A mapping object for the table headers. 'type' parameter is taken from the options under 'ownershipTypeSelector' option.
headers: function (type) { return [{ label: type === 'institution' ? 'Company' : 'Fund', fieldName: 'ownerName', cls: '', }, { label: 'Shares', fieldName: 'sharesHeld', cls: 'text-center', sortBy: true }, { label: '% Out', fieldName: 'outprcnt', cls: 'text-center' }, { label: 'Value ($)', fieldName: 'valuation', cls: 'text-center' }, { label: 'Reported', fieldName: 'reported', cls: 'text-center', breakpoints: 'xs sm' }, { label: 'Change', fieldName: 'sharesChanged', cls: 'text-center', breakpoints: 'xs sm' }] },
- template string
Default template for out of the box use
'<div class="institutional-ownership-info"></div>' + '<span id="institutional-ownership-activity_options-instructions" class="sr-only">Selecting an item will change the table contents</span>'+ '<div class="institutional-ownership-activity">' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership_title-bar">' + ' <h2>Ownership Activity</h2>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_category">' + ' <label for="subcategorySelect" class="module_options-label">Ownership Activity Category: <span class="sr-only">Selecting the value will change the page content<span></label>'+ ' <select id="subcategorySelect" class="dropdown module_options-select institutional-ownership-activity_select" aria-controls="institutionalOwnershipTable">' + ' <option value="institution" selected="">Institutional Ownership</option>' + ' <option value="mutualfund">Mutual Fund</option>' + ' </select>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-dropdown"></div>' + ' <div class=" grid grid--no-gutter">' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-tabs grid_col grid_col--1-of-4">' + ' <div role="tablist" class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-tablist" aria-orientation="vertical" aria-describedby="institutional-ownership-activity_options-instructions"></div>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_details grid_col grid_col--3-of-4 grid_col--lg-1-of-1 grid_col--lc-1-of-1 grid_col--md-1-of-1" tabindex="0">' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_details-table"></div>' + ' <div class="grid grid--gutter">' + ' <div class="grid_col grid_col--1-of-3 grid_col--md-1-of-1 grid_col--am">' + ' <div class="pager">Displaying <span class="institutional-ownership-activity_first-record">1</span> to <span class="institutional-ownership-activity_last-record">20</span> (of <span class="institutional-ownership-activity_total-count"></span>)</div>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="grid_col grid_col--2-of-3 grid_col--md-1-of-1 grid_col--am">' + ' <div class="pager text-right"></div>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>'
- summaryTpl string
Template to be used for Ownership Information
'<div class="institutional-ownership_title-bar">' + ' <h2>Ownership Information</h2>' + '</div>' + '{{#.}}' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-info_row grid grid--no-gutter">' + ' <div class="grid_col grid_col--1-of-2">' + ' {{label}}' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="grid_col grid_col--1-of-2 text-right">' + ' {{value}}' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '{{/.}}'
- totalTabsTpl string
Template to be used for tabs. Only supports the use of html 'li' html tag
'{{#.}}' + '{{#holders}}'+ ' <button type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="institutionalOwnershipTable" data-type="{{label}}" aria-label="{{name}}" aria-describedby="holders-{{index}} shares-{{index}}" {{#isFirst}}aria-selected="true" tabindex="0"{{/isFirst}}{{^isFirst}}aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1"{{/isFirst}}>'+ '{{/holders}}' + '{{^holders}}'+ ' <button type="button" role="tab" disabled>'+ '{{/holders}}' + ' <span class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-name institutional-ownership-activity_positions-name--tabs">{{name}}</span>' + ' {{#holders}}'+ ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-details" id="holders-{{index}}">' + ' HOLDERS <strong>{{holders}}</strong>' + ' </div>' + ' {{/holders}}' + ' {{#shares}}'+ ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-details" id="shares-{{index}}">' + ' SHARES <strong>{{shares}}</strong>' + ' </div>' + ' {{/shares}}' + ' {{#holders}}'+ ' {{/holders}}'+ ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-connector"></div>' + '</button>'+ '{{/.}}'
- totalDropDownTpl string
A dropdown version of the totals for matching mobile
'<span id="positions-select-mobile-label" class="module_options-label">Positions Category: <span class="sr-only">Selecting the value will change the page content</span></span>'+ '<button aria-labelledby="positions-select-mobile-label" id="positions-select-mobile-button" type="button" class="dropdown institutional-ownership-activity_positions-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="positions-select-mobile">' + ' <span class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-toggle-text" data-bind="label">Total Positions</span>' + '</button>' + '<div id="positions-select-mobile" class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-btns" aria-describedby="institutional-ownership-activity_options-instructions">' + ' {{#.}}' + ' {{#holders}}'+ ' <button type="button" class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-btn" aria-label="{{name}}" aria-describedby="holders-{{index}} shares-{{index}}" {{#isFirst}}aria-selected="true" tabindex="0"{{/isFirst}}{{^isFirst}}aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1"{{/isFirst}} aria-controls="institutionalOwnershipTable" data-type="{{label}}">' + ' <span class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-name">{{name}}</span>' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-details" id="holders-{{index}}">HOLDERS <strong>{{holders}}</strong></div>' + ' {{#shares}}' + ' <div class="institutional-ownership-activity_positions-details" id="shares-{{index}}">SHARES <strong>{{shares}}</strong></div>' + ' {{/shares}}' + ' </button>{{/holders}}' + ' {{/.}}' + '</div>'
- tableTpl string
Template to be used for the ownership activity details table
'<table id="institutionalOwnershipTable" class="table institutional-ownership-activity_table dataTable dtr-inline">' + ' <caption class="sr-only">Ownership Activity</caption>'+ ' <thead>' + ' <tr>' + ' {{#headers}}' + ' <th class="{{cls}}" data-field="{{fieldName}}">{{label}}</th>' + ' {{/headers}}' + ' </tr>' + ' </thead>' + ' <tbody></tbody>' + '</table>'
- tableBodyTpl string
Template for the ownership activity details body to allow for refreshing data without rerendering the entire table
'{{#data}}' + ' <tr class="text-primary">' + ' <td class="text-left">{{ownerName}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{sharesHeld}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{outprcnt}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{valuation}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{reported}}</td>' + ' <td class="text-center">{{sharesChanged}}</td>' + ' </tr>' + '{{/data}}'
- disclaimerLink string
Template to be used for the disclaimer button
'<div class="module-disclaimer">' + ' <button class="module-disclaimer_link disclaimer_link" aria-label="Copyright" aria-describedby="disclaimer-link open-modal-window"> <span id="disclaimer-link">Copyright © {{year}}, S&P Global Market Intelligence (and its affiliates as applicable). All rights reserved.</span></button>' + ' <span class="sr-only" id="open-modal-window">Opens in modal window</span>'+ '</div>'
- ownershipModalTpl string
Template to be used for the Ownership > 100% modal content
'<div class="institutional-ownership-popup">'+ ' <div class="institutional-ownership-popup_title">'+ ' <h2>Ownership > 100</h2>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div class="institutional-ownership-popup_content">'+ ' <div class="institutional-ownership-popup_disclaimer">'+ ' <p>' + ' <strong>List of possible reasons behind the infrequent cases where we have total institutional ownership that exceeds 100% of the common shares outstanding for a specific company:</strong>' + ' </p>' + ' <p>' + ' <strong>Double-counting</strong> - On the 13-F filing, each institutional holder must report all securities' + ' over which they exercise sole or shared investment discretion. In cases where investment discretion is' + ' shared by more than one institution, care is generally taken to prevent double-counting, but there is always' + ' the exception. Another cause of double-counting is a company name change for the 13F filer where the' + ' holdings are accounted for under both filer names.' + ' </p>' + ' <p>' + ' <strong>Short Interest</strong> - A large short interest amount affects the institutional ownership amount' + ' considerably because all shares that have been sold short appear as holdings in two separate portfolios. One' + ' institution has lent its shares to a short seller, while the same shares have been purchased by another' + ' reporting institution. Consequently, the institutional ownership percentage reflected in the 13-F filings is' + ' overstated as a percentage of total shares outstanding.' + ' </p>' + ' <p>' + ' <strong>A gap between 'as of' dates</strong> - In the case where gaps between the 'as of' dates of the' + ' holdings and the shares outstanding arise, the percentage owned could be skewed due to a sharp' + ' increase/decrease in shares out. Again, this case doesn’t come up very often but the results are' + ' unavoidable.' + ' </p>' + ' <p>' + ' <strong>Other possible reasons:</strong><br>' + ' a) An overlap occurs amongst reporting institutions;<br>' + ' b) The 13F filing includes holdings other than common stock issues;<br>' + ' c) Mutual fund money is co-advised and incorrectly reported by multiple institutions.' + ' </p>' + ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ '</div>'
- beforeShowTable function
Callback function before showing the results table on load, filter or selection. Can be used for table specific libraries such as FootableJS.
- Parameters
- event function
- Callback function before showing the results table on load, filter or selection. Can be used for table specific libraries such as FootableJS.