A Widget for displaying Non-Edgar Regulatory filings, templated for Index sites.Key Features:
The features below are available within the widget in order to fully utilize the API's features / make it easier for out-the-box use.Institution ID
Can be provided via
instead of the ticker in order to make a requests to the API.
Can be turned on by providing a number greater than 0 for
Add a data-sortBy attribute to the element that should trigger the sort on click. The value of the attribute should be the data field you wish to sort by (see API doc). At the moment due to API constraints, the widget can only sort by dates.
Filters can be built out using the
option. Filters include years, document type and companies. At the moment due to API constraints, company filtering is not avaiable but is expected to be added in an upcoming Product update.
Download Toggle
A trigger can be set up to reveal the documents when an element is clicked, using the
, downloadsTrigger
, downloadsContent
and downloadsToggleCls
Non-EDGAR Regulatory Filings Confluence pageStudio Public API documentation
- Script link
- q4.studioApi.3.0.0.min.js
- Source file
- q4.studioApi.js, line 7944
This widget extends the q4.studioApi widget. It has all the options and methods of the parent widget, in addition to those below. See the parent widget's documentation for details.
<div class="regfilings_widget"></div>
studioApi: "",
ticker: "",
itemsPerPage: 5,
paginationSelector: ".regfilings_pager"
- filingsTpl string
The template for the table of filings.
'<table class="regFilings_table table table-irwBorder irwResponsiveTable footable tbl-InsiderFiling">'+ '<thead>'+ '<tr>'+ '<th data-breakpoints="xs sm">Filing Description</th>'+ '<th>Filing Type</th>'+ '<th data-sortBy="filingDate" class="text-right">Filing Date <i class="fa"></i></th>'+ '<th data-sortBy="eventDate" class="text-right">Event Date <i class="fa"></i></th>'+ '<th> </th>'+ '</tr>'+ '</thead>'+ '<tbody>'+ '{{#items}}'+ '<tr class="irwHasGA{{#filingAbstract}} hasAbstract{{/filingAbstract}}">'+ '<td class="text-primary">'+ '<a href="{{linkToDetailsPage}}" class="irwGaLabel" target="_blank">{{filingDescription}}</a>'+ '</td>'+ '<td>{{filingTypeMnemonic}}</td>'+ '<td class="text-right">{{filingDate}}</td>'+ '<td class="text-right">{{eventDate}}</td>'+ '<td class="text-center irwFilingDownload">'+ '<span class="irwFilingDownloadTrigger fa fa-arrow-down"></span>'+ '<div class="irwFilingsDownloadDiv bg-default">'+ '{{#documents}}'+ '<a href="{{url}}" target="_blank" class="irwFilingDownload irw_{{documentType}}">'+ '<span class="irwFilingDownloadIcon irwEventTracking irwGaHasTitle irwGaHasFile" title="{{documentType}}">{{documentType}}</span>'+ '<span class="sr-only"> (Opens in a new Window)</span>'+ '</a>'+ '{{/documents}}'+ '</div>'+ '</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '{{#filingAbstract}}'+ '<tr class="irwAbstract">'+ '<td colspan="5" class="irwFilingAbstract text-default"><strong>Abstract:</strong> {{filingAbstract}}</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '{{/filingAbstract}}'+ '{{/items}}'+ '</tbody>'+ '</table>'
- paginationTpl string
The template for the pagination
'<span>Displaying <span class="pager_item-range--from">{{itemRange.from}}</span> to <span class="pager_item-range--to">{{itemRange.to}}</span> (of {{totalItemsCount}} filings)</span>'+ '{{#hasPages}}'+ '<ul>'+ '<li class="{{prevPageCls}}"><button type="button"><</button></li>'+ '{{#pages}}'+ '<li class="{{pageCls}}{{#active}} {{currentPageCls}}{{/active}}{{^isInPageRange}} js--hidden{{/isInPageRange}}"><button type="button">{{pageNumber}}</button></li>'+ '{{/pages}}'+ '<li class="{{nextPageCls}}"><button type="button">></button></li>'+ '</ul>'+ '{{/hasPages}}'
- downloadsContainer string
A selector for the container of the downloadable documents section.
- Default value
- downloadsTrigger string
A selector for the trigger to reveal
when clicked.- Default value
- downloadsContent string
A selector for the section that gets revealed when
is clicked.- Default value